Chapter 7

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Elena Gilbert, I think it's about time we both meet as the same kind.

I turned the piece of lemon coloured paper over to check for any more writing, a signature, but there was nothing else. The paper was infused with a scent that was floral. I had no idea who wrote the letter, or what it even meant.

"You ready yet?" Jeremy asked me, and I quickly dropped the letter on my bed and walked out of my bedroom. 

"Sorry," I apologised, getting in my car with him. "You're riding with me today?" My brother nodded, and looked out of the window.

"Caroline has started talking about Miss Mystic Falls again," he told me. 

"Already?" I asked, letting my hands settle on the wheel comfortably. 

"She's been talking about flowers, bouquets, dresses, the lot," he explained as he pulled out his phone. "She's really excited about it, I just wish Tyler was here for her." 

"I can't believe Tyler's gone, I don't believe it. There was no way he could have died," I said. 

"He's gone, Elena," Jeremy said shortly.

When we got to school, Jeremy slumped out of the car and rushed off, completely brushing me off. What did I even do? When I saw Caroline she was very giddy. I now understood what Jeremy had meant by her being excited. 

"Miss Mystic Falls planning again?" I asked her and she squealed in delight, just as Stefan put his arms around me. 

"Aren't you excited Elena? Your dress is going to be perfect! You're going to look stunning when I'm done with you," she told me in a rush, grinning the whole time. "You're helping me plan, you don't have a say."

"I was going to offer to help anyway Caroline, you're my best friend," I said, and I turned to kiss Stefan on the cheek.

"Do you know where Bonnie is?" I asked him, and he shook his head. Caroline sighed. 

"She's sick today," she said. "She called me and told me that she isn't feeling well and that she needs some rest, so she asked if I could get her some study notes from today."

"That's not like Bonnie to be sick," I answered, and Caroline shrugged. 

"Everyone's got to have a bad day some time!" she sang, skipping along with us. Stefan was playing with my hair as we continued walking.

"There has to be something up, Bonnie doesn't miss school for anything." My voice was stern and sure. It was true, Bonnie never came down with anything as light as a fever. Even if she did, there would be a spell to fix it.

"Maybe we should stop by after school to see if she's alright," Caroline said humbly as we entered the school hallways. "I don't want her to have a serious illness."

"I agree with Elena," Stefan murmured. "Something's up. I'll give Jeremy a ride home this afternoon, you two go and check on Bonnie." He kissed me quickly on the lips in his departure to homeroom. "Love you Elena." I smiled as I watched him walk off.

"Why didn't you say it back?" Caroline asked me. 

"Say what?" I asked, oblivious to what she was asking.

"He told you he loved you. Come on Elena, what's up? You're usually all over Stefan!" She narrowed her eyes. "Is there something going on between you and Damon?" 

I gaped as we entered the classroom, and frowned at her. "No, absolutely not!" 

"Elena, oh my gosh! There so is!" She sounded like a small girl with her whiny voice. "You're cheating on him," she hissed at me in an angry tone.

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