The McDonald's Mishap

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  • Dedicado a Dyisha

You know that cliché expression “Good things come when you least expect it”? Well, I always thought it was just another old wives’ tale, just another stupid saying that old people seem to enjoy filling other’s heads up with. It turns out I was wrong, completely and utterly so.

It all started on a warm summer’s day. The sky was bright blue, and there wasn’t a cloud in sight. After spending a couple hours at the local beach, my friend Debby and I were hungry. We hopped into my little red car and drove to the nearest fast food restaurant—we’re broke teens, where else are we going to eat? Pulling into the McDonald’s drive-thru, I noted the line was longer than usual, but we didn’t really care. We danced—quite amazingly, might I add—to the blasting pop music while we waited.

Finally, we pulled up to the pick-up window to receive our food. I looked to my left and was immediately entranced. The guy working was absolutely gorgeous. If a guy can be described as pretty, that is exactly what he was. His bright blue eyes seemed to bore through my very soul, his chocolate brown locks curled onto his forehead, his boyish grin revealed two rows of pearly white teeth. Here, standing a mere four feet from me, separated by only a brick wall and a car door, was the epitome of my dream guy.

I was quite aware of the fact that I was bound to start drooling at any time. Even Debby was quiet and that’s a rare occurrence by itself. So, as soon as he passed the white bag of artery clogging goodness through the window, my foot hit the gas pedal.

“Ma’am, you forgot your drink.”

Debby laughed beside me.

With a beet red face, I slowly reversed my car back to the pick-up window. I grasped the drink with my hand and set it into the cup holder before making a second hasty retreat. What can I say? I was embarrassed!

“Miss, you forgot your ice cream cone.”

At this point, Debby and I were both laughing. For the second time that day, I reversed my car back to the pick-up window and took the cone. The guy was grinning ear-to-ear, and a small chuckle escaped his lips. He looked utterly amazing.

More embarrassed than ever, I handed the cone to Debby and sped off, Debby and I laughing so hard we were nearly in tears. It was a couple minutes ride to Debby’s house. Our fit of laughter eventually subsided.

“He was hot,” Debby grinned as she tucked a strand of ebony hair behind her ear.

“Yeah, he was,” I agreed with a matching smile. “His eyes were so pretty.”

"I know, right? It was like he was staring right into your soul.”

We both giggled like little school girls.

I parked my small, red car on the street and trekked up the large hill her house was situated on and through her front door. Before I plopped down on the couch, I placed my purse on the coffee table. Debby sat down beside me. All was quiet for a moment and then reality sank in.

I rubbed my slightly tanned hands over my face. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“Me either.” Debby chuckled, her dark brown eyes twinkling. “I think that seriously made my whole summer.”

I glared at her. “Well at least something good came out of this.”

She merely laughed harder and after a minute, I joined her. The whole situation was quite ridiculous, honestly.

“I think it’s going to be a while before I go back there.”

Debby gave me a weird look. “Why?”

“Really? You have to ask?” I said. “That was positively mortifying!”

“But he was cute, so we have to go back there again sometime.” Debby waggled her eyebrows. “Maybe he’ll be working again.”

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