Damn Superman!

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Maya knew it was a bad idea to go back out to the woods, especially to the place she had bumped into Scott. He had said he was running from something that had bitten him. Maya had seen the bite.

She jumped over a fallen tree and into a puddle. The area looked familiar, but she wasn't there yet. Maya stopped walking when she heard two voices, she moved behind a tree. She knew it was a stupid idea to come out here. The blonde cursed at herself.

The voices were getting closer, she recognised them and a smirk formed on her face.

"Smell things? Like what?" That was Stiles.

There was a bit of a pause before Scott's voice answered, "Like the Mint Mojito gum in your pocket."

The boys were close enough now. Maya jumped out from behind the tree, "You have Mint Mojito gum? Can I have it?" She asked before bursting into fits of laughter. Scott stood there with his hand on heart looking terrified. Maya had to do a double take when she looked at him, she could have sworn his eyes were vibrant yellow but it disappeared when she looked again.

Maya then moved to Stiles, who had somehow ended up on his back on the floor, looking just as scared as Scott was.

"W-what? Maya! What are you doing here?" The whiskey eyed boy asked as he stood up.

"I am looking for a tree stump," she stated like it was obvious, "what are you two doing here?" She asked.

Stiles put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the Mint Mojito gum, "Looking for Scott's inhaler, he dropped it last night." he handed the gum to Maya, still confused on how Scott knew that he had some when Stiles himself didn't.

Maya looked at Scott, "Did you drop it when I smacked you?"

Scott groaned and looked at Maya and Stiles. Stiles' eyes had gone wide, he was staring at Maya, who was once again grinning like she'd done something.

"You didn't tell him how we met?" she gasped, "Oh, Puppy." she shook her head and turned to look at Stiles, "You, Mr Cute Dimples, are in for a story." Stiles blushed at the nickname, "So here I was, out in the woods late at night, taking photos, when I hear this screaming and running-"

"I wasn't screaming!" Scott yelled, cutting Maya off from her story. She chuckled and nodded to Stiles. Silently mouthing, "He soooo was."

Maya slipped slightly, maybe high heeled boots weren't such a good idea. She stopped walking letting the boys get further ahead before running and jumping on Stiles' back. He stumbled slightly and let out a small cry of surprise then grabbed her thighs and hiked her up higher.

Maya looked down, it was weird being this high up, she was used to being a 'short stack of pancakes' as Lucas had once put it, "Is this okay Stiles?" he nodded and the conversation continued.

"Can we get back to what we were talking about before Maya scared the Shit out of us?" Scott asked.

Maya nodded, "So all of this started with the bite?" Stiles asked as they finally started walking again.

"What if it's like an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline, before I go into shock or something?" Maya could see Scott was panicking slightly.

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