Chapter Five

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"So, what are we gonna do about it?" Naruto can't make eye contact. His home is destroyed, his godfather is completely worried, Iruka is stressing out and Kakashi is contemplating on how to go about the situation."I'm sorry..." Naruto mumbles rubbing his hands through his hair. "Hey Naruto, it wasn't your fault alright? Don't worry Jiraiya, Kakashi and I are gonna figure something out so don't you even stress it." Iruka smiles at him but his smile turns into a frown noticing that the boy had stopped eating only after a bowl and had now pushed it aside. He was gonna say something but it wasn't his place. "Hey, Naruto I have an excellent idea!" Kakashi beamed smiling at the blonde. The three tilted their heads and looked at the beaming man before them. "Well? What is it?" He asks. "You should stay with Sasuke or Sakura for a bit while we fix up your apartment!" Naruto chocked on his spit, eyes bulging out of his head. "You want me to stay with the teme? NO WAY!" In all truth Naruto honestly wouldn't mind staying with him but, he couldn't bear to be a bother to Sasuke and no way would Sakura let him stay over. "Why can't I just stay with you or Ero-Senin? Why Sasuke?" Kakashi lifted a hand and ruffled the boys hair. "It's better this way, plus you can squeeze in some quality bonding.... or perhaps a spar?" At the thought of being able to fight Sasuke, Naruto's eyes lit up. "Okay," He finally agreed. "Now what are we gonna do about my apartment?" Jiraiya stepped in and payed the tab. "Let us worry about that, now go on and ask Sasuke if it's okay for you to stay there." With that Naruto ran off to Sasuke's place, hope in his heart and jump in his steps.
The white haired toad sage turned to the two males before him. "You know this is a serious matter right?" Sighing Kakashi nods. "I know, somebody had the audacity to break the law of Konoha, but the primary issue is Naruto's safety." Iruka put his head on the table with a sigh. "Do you think Naruto is okay? When I got there.... it was unlike  anything I'd seen out of him." Furrowing a brow Jiraiya asks him to elaborate. "He was pretty out of it, when I got there he was sitting on the floor next to the shattered window and he was staring into space, also when I asked him how long he'd been there he was confused about the time." It was now Kakashi's turn to place some concerns. "You know he's been a little off lately," he starts. "And you failed to mention this to me why?" Iruka asks in annoyance. "Thought nothing of it, maybe he was tired, or maybe he had gotten into a fight , that's what I initially thought. However, during the trip to Suna for the past week he's been quiet, and self doubting, it's very odd for him." Iruka's eyes stung with tears. "Dear God Kakashi I haven't even been here for him, for the past two weeks I've been so busy-he must've been so lonely-!" Jiraiya slams his fist on the wooden table forcefully to grab their attention. "Stop, this isn't the time for that, right now we need to go to the hokage, we'll figure it out from there."
"Right." The two reply as they all head to the hokages tower.
"Sasssssssukkkeeeeee!" Naruto shouts heading towards the compound. Sasuke who was barely heading home turned around in surprise to see the blonde idiot he had somewhat admired yelling and waving at him. "What do you want?" He grumbles our moodily. "I was wondering," Naruto starts, suddenly there's this sudden shame that washes over him. He couldn't tell Sasuke his apartment was destroyed, he would think he's weak, that he was just a nuisance. "Can I stay with you, for a few days?" Annoyed Sasuke placed his hand on his temple. "Hn, why can't you stay at your place dobe?" Could he tell him? Could he tell Sasuke that it was his fault his apartment was in shambles? "My landlord is fixing up some of the apartments, including mine, so I need somewhere to stay for a few while it's settled." No, he couldn't tell him. Sasuke would think he's a monster too. "Why can't you stay at Iruka's? Or Kakashi's? I'm sure they'd let you." Feeling slightly discouraged Naruto laughed softly. "They're busy, I couldn't stay." Sasukes eyes lingered over Naruto to see if the boy was telling the truth and to his surprise his eyes widened when he say that though Naruto's eyes were closed, and he was smiling, his hands were shaking. With a sigh he turned around. "Fine." Cerulean eyes shot open wide. Had Sasuke really said yes? Was this some kind of dream? Or a joke? Maybe a stroke of pure luck perhaps? He didn't know but whatever it was he simply smiled and nodded. "Thanks Teme!" "I'm gonna regret this."
The two boys were now in the compound, it was quiet, empty and dull. Sasuke had no color in his house other than the fruits that had color themselves. "Hey Sasuke, you should redecorate you kn-" he stopped mid sentence when Sasuke turned around and threw him a sharp glare as if saying 'watch it' with his eyes. Naruto closed his mouth and frowned. Sasuke then walked him over to the room he could stay in, his guest room which was honestly very dusty. "Thanks Sasuke, this really does mean a lot!" "Hn, whatever dobe." The two were quiet for a minute and finally Sasuke wished his blonde friend a good night and went to his own room. Laying down in that bed, the small boy felt empty, guess ever at Sasuke's House he couldn't escape his loneliness....
     It all hit him like a truck and it was now 4 am and there he was still awake, his eyes puffy and his hand loosely in the air searching for something to grasp onto, something that wouldn't abandon him. His house was torn apart, everything the third gave him destroyed, Iruka and the others were onto him, he felt lonely and anxious, he was a burden and was imposing on Sasuke, could he even do anything right? Could all he do is sit here and bitch and moan? Damn it all.

Tomorrow will be a better day, or so he'd hope.

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