Chapter 8: When The Plan Gets Screwed

Start from the beginning

I decided on something nice so I grabbed out of my gigantic closet a graffiti skater skirt that was biege and black, I also grabbed a some black knee high leggings and a black long sleeve shirt and tucked it into my skirt matched with some black high top converse.

I put all my clothes on and it was time for me to do my hair so I put it into a side french twist braid and just leave my bangs, as I was doing my hair I heard my phone buzz so I went to see what it was and saw my best friend calling.


"Mae haven't talked to you in a while feels like years!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled "Yeah I know right,'s life?"

"Oh you know just Tyler being all annoying on how much he misses you, you know the usual." she said and I'm guessing she was shrugging.

"Haha well I think I'll get my schedule clear to hang out with you guys." I said.

"Ha-ha very funny but hey what's up with you and Emmett?" shit I knew this would come.

"Um...well let's just say we've became friends.." a little more than friends my mind thought.

"Friends? you look like lovebirds together, are you sure?" damn how does she always know!?

"Okay fine maybe we're a little more then friends more like...boyfriend and girlfriend...." I said the last bit and shut my eyes cuase I knew she would squeal.

And she sure did squeal like there was no tomorrow.

"Jeez you're gonna make me deaf, woman." I said.

"'s just the excitement...wait what will he do now.." she whispered the last part.

"What?" I said and looked at the time "Shit, kelly I gotta go or else I'll be late for school, see ya later." I said and hung up with out waiting for her response.

I went back to the bathroom and put some mascara and my new red baby lips(which is fabulous by the way) I also put some eyelinder and concealer and I was done.

I went down stairs grabbed some toast and put jelly on it (I really hate peanut butter cuase it taste horrible and also looks like poop, I know it's a bit chlidish but meh) and just put it in my mouth and grabbed some orange juice.

I ate it all and grabbed a green apple, also grabbed my bag and a grey varsity jacket and went outside and saw a red sports car parked right infront of me.

"Ethan." I muttered under my breath.

Well looks like I have a lot of explaining to do so here it goes.

when I was a freshmen I dated another freshmen but unlike the other newbies he was popular and I was kind of too, but it all went down when I broke up with him, why? well cuase he cheated on me and was also dating another girl not from our school, long story short we broke up and I ended up heartbroken I have been trying to stay away from him since then, but looks like life loves to just stab me in the back.

"Hey haven't spoken to you in so long, never knew you were a princess." he kept going " Why didn't you tell me I mean I was your boyfriend." he said.

"Yeah well I'm glad I didn't and never new you were-" he interrupted me.

"A bodyguard, well you know..everyone has secrets." he stated.

"I was going to say asshole, but whatever floats you boat." I said and got into his car.

He just stood there, I'm guessing surprised but I don't blame him he's never seen this side of me.

He soon snapped back to reality and got into the driver seat.

"Oh yeah forgot to tell you, you look hot today." I couldn't help but blush, damn he still has effect on me.


"When learning the basics of drama you've got to know how to act and how to act good." my drama teacher said.

I was now in third period and I just wanted the bell to ring so bad.

When I was in Ethan's car he kept blabbing about how long it's been since we last talked and all the crap I just ignored and looked out the window cuase he was really annoying me.

As soon as I got to school I literally jumped out of his car and ran into school and went to class.

I got out of my thought when I heard the most beautiful sound, the bell I grabbed all my things and it was finally time for lunch, so I got out of my seat and got out of the class.

I was in the hallway on my way to my locker when a certain someone grabbed my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey." he whispered in my ear, I smiled to myself.

"Hey." I said back.

"So are you gonna sit with me or your friends today?" Emmett asked, aww how sweet.

"I think I'll sit with my friends today, thank you very much for asking." I said and we both chuckled.

I gave him a peck on his lips put my stuff in my locker and went to find kelly and tyler.

I soon found kelly arguing with tyler.

"You're an idiot you know that!?" I heard her say.

"What!why?" tyler said.

"Cuase now she's in the arms of another guy!!" she silently screamed.

I was done spying on them so I walked over to them and they fell silent but smiled.

"Hey whacha talking about?" I asked innocently.

"Nothing." they both said at the same time.

I eyed them but decided not to bother them about it right now, cuase I was hungry although I'll have to interrogate them later.

"Great then let's go eat!" I declared, they both sighed in relief and then chuckled.

As we walked into the cafeteria we got to our normal usual table as we sat down everything in the room went silent, and I was curious to know what was this miracle.

"Hey why do you think everyone is silent?" I whispered to kelly.

"I have no idea, it's wierd right!" she said it kind of loud.

And soon everyone was now looking at us, I just glared at kelly.

"Oops?" she said and I sighed and put my head down, and then I herad foot steps coming my way, but I chose to ignore it.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked above and saw tyler and kelly shocked faces, so then I looked to my side and soon enough I probably had a shocked face too.

"What do you want." I said bitterly.

"Could I talk to you for a sec?" he asked.

Well looks like my day just got worse..and I didn't get to eat yet.


Cliffhanger I know but you will soon find out what happens, oh and if you didn't already guess who was the guy it was Ethan, and I know it was somewhat short and I know but don't give up on me please.

Anywho I really just wanted to get this done so I could keep getting some progress and wanted to fill the spaces before I got to the really good parts, so expect some good scenes coming soon.

thanks for reading, you are an awesome person especially if you read all of this note.


love, kat25521.

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