Chapter 10 (Silverpaw)

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Silverpaw looked over at the newly named Shadepaw. She would go over, but Duskk- no, paw was with her. However hard she tried, she could not convince Shadek-paw to give up Duskk-paw. It was like the story where Squirrelflight and Leafpool try to convince Brambleclaw to give up Hawkfrost. "Hey, Silverpaw," Meowed Acornpaw, padding over, "Are you OK?"

"Yes, i'm fine," she snapped and walked away. Leaving Acornpaw with a hurt expression on his face.

"Wait..." Meowed Acornpaw, but Silverpaw paid no attention.

"Silverpaw," Leafsong called, "Can you sort the borage leafs?"

"Sure," Silverpaw relied.

Turning to the borage leafs, she heard Leafsong say, "It's half moon, we will be going to the Moonpool to share with StarClan." Happily, she went back to soorting herbs. Tonight, if everything went well, she would be accepted by StarClan and become Leafsong's apprentice. Not only that, but the next medicine cat of ThunderClan.

"Hi, your Silverpaw, right," Meowed a small ginger apprentice, "I'm Flamepaw, the medicine apprentice of ShadowClan," he added.

"Hi Flamepaw," Meowed Silverpaw, while Leafsong talked to the tabby near Flamepaw. Lightstripe, she called her. Soon two more cats arrived: a smokey grey tom and white tom. They where Breezesong of WindClan an Reedwing from RiverClan.

"Come on, lets go," Meowed Reedwing.

"I, Leafsong, Medicine Cat of ThunderClan, call on my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat.," Called out Leafsong, "Silverpaw, do you promise to stay outside of clan battles and follow the warrior code?"

"I do!" Mewled Silverpaw.

"Then, drink from the Moonpool; let StarClan speak to you in your dreams," Meowed Leafpool. All the medicine cats gathered round the Moonpool and drank from it, falling into a deep sleep.

"Hello, Silverpaw," Purred a golden tom.

"Liontail!" Purred Silverpaw, looking at her fathers apprentice. He had died not long after his warrior ceromony, when she was four moons old. A badger had been discovered; he had died to protect his Clan.

"Hello, Silverpaw!" Meowed a grey tom.

"Smokeflame!" Purred Silverpaw, "You where the medicine cat before Darkwhisper!"

"Yes," He replied.

"I'm really sorry, Silverpaw," mewed Liontail, "But your your, just not meant to be a medicine cat. You will serve your Clan better as a warrior... I'm sorry..."

"He's right," Meowed Smokeflame.

"B-But-" Silverpaw started, but she had already woken up.

"Well...?" Asked Leafsong.

"They said I would serve my Clan better as a warrior..." Siverpaw cried.

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