two🍯cool and mysterious

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Oh Honey,

Today was the first time Brian and Tyler had seen each other after they bopped each others bits. To say it was awkward is just a gross understatement.

I grabbed a donut from the snack table and leant against the wall in a cool and mysterious way, watching as Brian walked over to (a very very very good looking) Tyler. I am a good mouth reader, but it helped that they weren't so far away.

"Hey." Brian said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He said one word and the uncomfortableness of the situation just blew in my face. I would hate to be in his position. I carried on eating my donut. I bet Brian wished he could be as cool and mysterious as me.

"Erm... Hi." Tyler replied. He was being weird too.

Wow, does banging your ex really mean so much? Hm. I shall try bang my ex boyfriend from middle school and will get back to you on that.

They were standing awkwardly for way too long. I sighed, jumped up straight from against the wall and cool and mysteriously walked towards them. "Erm, hey." Fuck, i wish i hasn't gotten that first 'erm' out. That definitely knocked out some cool and mysterious points.

Tyler cleared his throat. Wow, he actually didn't like me. At that moment, honey, i felt very dumb for having a crush on someone who could hardly stand the way i spoke.

"Hi." Tyler said to me, he quickly dismissed me after though. He looked at Brian and tried to talk to him instead. I guess he forgot that it was awkward.

"So... Good show today, huh?" I grabbed Brian's water bottle from his hands and took a sip, passing it back to him.

Tyler looked very confused and weird. He actually looked a bit grossed out. "You just... drank his water, with bits of donut in your mouth?" How did he know i had bits of donuts in my mouth?

I looked over at Brian. Maybe he could explain to him that our relationship was like this. I mean yeah, it was kinda gross and he probably would drink the water now but he wasn't offended. He didn't mind.

"Yeah, Ty. Don't worry about it." Brian shrugged. I remember specifically the look he had given me. The code look. The look that said 'Help. I need help'. I knew that look. I respected that look.

"So i hear you guys fucked." I let fall out of my mouth.

Oh Honey. You wish you could've seen the looks on their faces. Maybe i said something wrong. But maybe i didn't care. I was a troublemaker. That's something you don't know about me. I'm a cool and mysterious trouble maker. And i'm gay.

Tyler opened his mouth. He closed it. He opened it. He closed it. Hm. Was he supposed to be saying something? He opened it and finally spoke. "Yeah. We," he cleared his throat, "did." He stared straight at Brian with his (beautiful) eyes that said 'why the fuck would you tell Brian that you and I had sex.' "Maybe we should talk about that." He added. He looked at me.

"Yeah, you should." I nodded, leaning in closer to the two of them.

"No. Brian, I think Ty means..." Brian made some suggestive eyes and was twitching his head to the left. I understood that he wanted me to leave but i thought id let him carry on for a few minutes longer.

"Okay." I smiled, leaving the two to speak alone. The two being my best friend in the entire world, the person i practically live for and his soon to be boyfriend who i kinda have a crush on. Haha. Life's a joke.

I sat alone. Brian and I had came to the studio together, so we were obviously leaving together. I wonder what they were talking about. They were mostly likely going to get back together- right? Well obviously.

I looked over cool and mysteriously.

And what happened next, happened fast.

My eyes widened as i watched Tyler stick his tongue down Brian's throat. Wow. I knew they had sex and made up but were they going to do it again in front of everyone?

I tried to look away but i couldn't. Tyler looked like a good kisser. Imagine kissing him. Wow. Oh honey, if only you could've seen. I wish i was Brian in that moment. Tyler had his hands all over him and his lips were on Brian's and it just seemed like i would've really enjoyed that situation.

And Honey, speaking of situations.

I looked down and saw i had boner.

And it was in that very moment that i had decided that i wanted to die. I wanted to actually kill myself. I didn't know what was more perverted and gross; the fact that i had a boner for my best friend and his boyfriend or the fact that i carried on watching them make out.

They eventually let go. I was still hard but there was nothing i could've done at that moment so i quickly stood up, grabbed Brian by the arm and shouted "Great! You're together again! Have to go, see you tomorrow Tyler!" I dragged Brian out the building.

"Brian!" He pulled his arm from my grasp and rubbed it. "That hur-" He looked down at my thing. His face lit up and he screamed. Yes, Honey he screamed. He screamed so loud. It was a joke at this point. "Oh my god! Shut the fuck up you trick ass bitch you do not have a fucking 10 inch monster cock boner right now!"

He pushed me and i felt my face go so red. "Shut up bitch." I pushed him back and jumped into the drivers seat of the car. He got into the passenger seat, still with a grin on his face. "See, if you were someone else you could sort the situation out while i was driving."

"Oh my ducking god, you a fucking hoe." He chuckled.

I smiled as i drove.

You see Honey, Brian and I had fun together. We laughed and cried and screamed in parking lots and just felt like ourselves. While i have a massive crush on Tyler and think he is absolutely gorgeous, i love Brian more than anything. I will let him have Tyler, because that's the kind a person i am. I will let him have  because Brian is letting me have him.

Also, i'm cool and mysterious.

Love, Trixie.

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