Chapter 4

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Parker's Pov

I woke up and saw a post on shelby's Instagram. It was the pic we took yesterday wearing her "bye" hoodies.
She is so cute. I got up and ate a bowl of cereal. I soon got a text from H.
(H-liam, P-parker)

H- Why don't u ask out shelbs?

What do I say? Umm

P- cause she might not feel the same way....

H- Lies. She does. Promise.

Really!?!? My eyes lit up.

P- wait what😵

H- Yes. Now ask her. After we're done with this vid.

P- k..... What if ur wrong?

P- H?


P- ....

I stopped texting him after he didn't respond. But what if he's wrong? What if she didn't like me? Ugh.....

I went out to go hang out with a few friends.

~Time Skip cause I'm lazy af~

I got back home at 3:36. I grabbed a drink and sat down at the table to scroll through tweeter.

I soon later got a text from Shelby.
(S-Shelby, P-Parker)

S- Parker u wanna come and hang out with me and h?

Damn it H is going to be there.

P- ya sure

S- Yay. See in a bit

I got ready and headed to her place.

As I got out of the car I see H. I looked at him.

"Where's Shelby?" I asked.

"Got to talk to you before we go in." He responded.


"I'm gonna pretend I have plans with someone and head out. That's when you ask her out. K?"

"Wait. What. I-i-i can't do that. What if she rejects me. I couldn't look her in the eye or even look at her for the matter of fact. Am I Evan making sense. Am I speaking english. God what is wrong with me." I kept on rambling. H soon covered my mouth.

"You're going to do it. OK?"

"Mhm" I hummed shaking my head up and down.

"Let's go in." He said with me following behind.

We got in and Shelby yelled at us, "There you two are. What took so long?"

"I-" H cut me off.

"He left his phone in the car and it was lost so we had to actually find it. You gotta clean that car." Shelby giggled her cute little giggle.

"Wow. Thanks H." I said with her giggling again.

"Dudes I gotta go. Just remembered I had plans with someone. So gotta go." H said.

"Mmk" Shelby said.

H left me shelby by ourselves. I looked at Shelby who was playing with her Pokemon cards. I looked over her shpulder. "Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Playing with Pokemon cards." She said. This is my chance. My only chance.

"Um. Shelby?"


"Um. Can I talk to you? On the couch?"

"Ya. Just a sec."

"Ok." I went and sat down on the couch. I can't believe I'm doing this. She came soon after me and sat with link on her lap.

"What's up?" She asked playing with link.

"Umm....... Shelby. I like you and you probably don't feel the same but-" Shelby cut me off.

"I do. I just never thought you did. So I kept it to myself." She said looking down with her face red.

"..." We both sat there in complete silent for a couple minutes until I said something. "So I was gping to ask you out and hope you'll be my g-girlfriend?"

"Then my answer would be yes." She said we smiled for at each other for a minute. Well until link decided to pee on the floor.

"LINK!?!?" She screamed. I laughed well she ran to put link in the room. "It's not funny." She said a little mad.

"Ok... Here I'll help you." I said. After that we just played some games.

"Did you do it?" H screamed coming out of nowhere. Shelby screamed.

"Is this a normal thing for you?!?!" I asked.

"Yes. But did you?" He asked.

"And?" He asked.

"And she said yes." I answered.

"Finally!" H said.

"H go away. Nobody likes you. To the room H." Shelby said.

"I'm not a dog." He said.

"But you act like it." I butt in.

"Hey!" H said. We all laughed. H went into the room. I soon had to leave.

I hugged Shelby goodbye and headed out. Today was good.



Srry for not updating. I have no excuse. Just Srry. But hope you like it. Vote, comment, and whatever you want to do.


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