Chapter 3

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Shelby's Pov

I woke up and saw mm face-to-face with parker. I could already tell my face was red. I stared at him not wanting to look away. I ended up getting up and putting a blanket on him. As I looked at him again, I moved a stran of hair out of his face. I inched closer to his lips not thinking. I could feel his breath. I sighed and got up to make coffee.

~Time Skip to when H gets home and they tell at him😂~

"Oh just ask her out already. Stop flirting." H said. Coming out of now where like always.

"What flirting? No. H go to your room." I said. I know I was red cause my face was heating up.

"A date. Actually sounds nice." Parker said. I turned more red then I even was. If that's even possible. "I mean. Got to go. See you later. Bye. Hehe." He said running out the door.

"See. Just go out with him. But let him ask." H said eating a box of cheese-its.

"What did I say?!?!?" I yelled. He ran to his room with the box of cheese-its. Soon after Link came out.

"What should I do Link? I do like hime but-but what if he doesn't feel the way. But then why did he talk about a date. With him and-and me. Ugh! Life's hard?" I said with Link coming on my lap. I put my head back on the couch. Thinking still. I went to my room with Link following. I hope H doesn't mind me having Link for the night. Soon enough I fell asleep again. After I changed.

Hbomb/Liam's Pov
(Hehe. Didn't see that coming did you. Hehe. *ahem. Srry)

I walked in the house and saw them together like always. It still brakes my heart that she chose him. When she told me.


"He Liam. I need your help." Shelby said in her cute squeaky voice.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"Promise you won't tell?" She asked putting out her pinky.

"Promise." I said putting my pinky with hers smiling.

"Ok..." She sighed. "I like Parker but I dont know how to tell him. I haven't told anyone this and thought I could tell you." My heart shattered when I heard those words. My smile dropped and she looked concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing. You should go for it. He might like you too by the way he looks at you." That wasn't a lie. He always looks at her. I thought I could have her but I couldn't. And I couldnt look at her. "I'm gonna go. I got some stuff to take care of."

"Oh... Ok. See ya later Liam." She said.


~Flashback over~

"Umm... A-a d-date?" I heard Parker say.

"I mean-you know-friends-playdate-umm...... Ah like a uhh... As friends. Playdate. You know?" Shelby started rambling.

"Y-ya. What else. You know. Just as... Friends." Parker said the last part kinda sad. Shelby looked concerned. See they like each other. Its better for me to stay out of it.

"Oh just ask her out already. Stop flirting." I said. They looked at me both red.

"What flirting? No. H go to your room." Shelby said flustered. I'm not a dog.(Ps thxs to the comment on my last chapter. I decided to make him say this in his head.)

I went to the kitchen to get a snack well they were talking. Soon Parker ran out of the house.

"See. Just go out with him. But let him ask." I said eating a box of cheese-its.

"What did I say?!?!?" Shelby yelled with her cute voice. I ran to my room with the box of cheese-its because she scary and cheese-its.

I shut the door to let Link out. I need to tell her. No. I need to let her be happy and let her be with Parker. I'll just get Parker to ask her out. My heart still hurts. I laid down on my bed as a tear rolled down my face. I silently cried myself to sleep.



Dude. This chapter was sweet then it turned sad..... Srry.... Not Srry..... But hoped u liked it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and why not share.


P.S. Srry for not posting. Been busy in school. Ugh!?!? Hate it but need it. Ok bye

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