Chapter 1

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Shelby's Pov

I woke up and did my daily routine. After I was done I decided to do a video. I didn't want to do it alone, so I called Parker. After a couple rings he picked.

"Hello!" Parker said trying to imitate me. I giggled.

"Parker can you record right now?" I said threw giggles.

"Ya Shelbs. What do you want to record?" He said. For some reason I can sense he was smiling.

"Um... I wanted to do a minecraft video and then an IRL video." I said.

"Ya that'll be cool. Do you want me to come before the minecraft video or after?" I had to think. Should he come now or later.

"Hmmm..... Now. Then after we can play some minecraft." I said the last sentence with a dark voice.

"Or scary games?" He said doing a scary voice and laugh right after.

"NO! Maybe? No." I didn't like scary games. I only do it for my viewers and Parker knows that. After a minute we hung up.

I decided to make some coffee since it was pretty early. As I sat at the table scrolling threw Twitter, I saw a lot of post about how me and parker would make a cute couple. I blushed without realizing it. After I put my phone down, I heard a knock coming from the door. I got up and answered it.

"Hey Shelbs." Parker said coming in and plopping on the couch.

"Hi!" I said with a little giggle.

"So what IRL video are we going to do?" Parker ask as I went to wash my cup because I was done with my coffee.

"Hmmm.... Since I did the "Mom buys my clothes" and "Dad buys my clothes" How about "Boyfriend buys my clothes?" I asked. I knew I was going to regret this so much.

"But I'm not your boyfriend." He said.

"Ya you are." I said. He looked at me confused. "Your a boy and your my friend." I said giggling. He gave me a are-you-serious look.

"I hate you." He simply said.

"No you don't, but will yoy do it?" I asked.

"Fine." He said.

"Yay!" I started preparing things and set up the camera. Parker was doing some funny faces as I was setting up. Causing me to almost drop the camera. After I was done I pushed recored and did my intro. (If you haven't seen the video I recommend watching it. It's funny. Btw I'm kinda like parker when it comes to shopping.)

~skip to the end of their recording~

Still Sheby's Pov

When we were done I put the clothes away. Since I can't return them. I went back to the living-room and sat down on the couch. I was tired and without realizing it I fell asleep on parkers shoulder.


First chapter down. This is my first fanfic. I usually write fictions with my own characters. But I hope you like it. And don't forget to Vote and Comment. Plz I would like to here feedback.


A Little Secret(Shubble x Parker)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن