Chapter 2 |What happens after 12:00 am|

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|Sonic's. POV|

I got home around 3:00 pm and enjoyed myself. School is a pain and right after I usually like to rest down and take a nap. Though one thing, I wasn't feeling tired today, I was fully awake but bored with nothing more to do. I guess I might as well kill my free time before becoming buried in schoolwork again. I sat at my small two-person dinner table and pulled up my school laptop, looking through the internet.

From videos to pictures, I eventually saw something about the murderer that was in town. News articles from pictures to words were all about this crazy killer that killed in the town I lived in. My sources say that he or she had been going around preying mostly on teens or young adults. I don't know why, but it was strange, especially considering I am a young adult.

I fell into many dark holes of leaked photos of the crime scenes and watching video interviews of their family members crying on camera while those behind the camera only cared for the money they'd receive later on. When I came digging deeper it was just a sad hole of misery and anger and negativity. Not that I cared about the families to be honest as I didn't know who any of them were but It was heartbreaking. The authorities never actually found the killer themself. They always find that the victims are always left with certain marks on their bodies like a symbol or something. They suspected that the killer is trying to give some sort of message, secretly. I shut my laptop, not being able to read no more.

I thought being scared was over, but I jumped when I felt my phone vibrating. I pulled it out and saw Tails was calling and I answered.

"Hey, buddy," I said

"Hey Sonic, have you heard about a party happening at Knuckles' house this Friday?" He asked

"I could honestly care less buddy." I chuckled.

"But everyone is going to be there, I and Amy were planning to go there on Friday and we wanted you to come," he said.

"No thanks buddy, I already have plans," I said, walking into the kitchen, and taking a bite of an apple.

"What's better than a big populated party full of all of our friends?" he asked.

"Sitting peacefully and hanging out with Shadow, feeling better about the fact that I'm not surrounded by a mass amount of people," I said, taking another bite of my apple.

"Are you still nervous being around a lot of people?" He asked.

"Um...does it matter-? Listen, I'm not going to a party full of drunk idiots. I'd rather be in my safe zone, with no one touching me." I said.

"Speaking of safety, have you heard about that one killer that supposedly is in our town?" he asked.

"Every teacher in all my classes warned us about it," I said, throwing away the core of my apple.

Yeah, I've seen pictures and all but I wasn't fully sure of what to think of it so I decided to end the conversation out of discomfort.

"Well look Tails, I gotta go but we can talk about this later," I said, hanging up after saying bye.

I look out into my backyard and get the chills, I can't believe I'm all fussed up in this murder thing. Oh well, the past is the past, I decided to lay low and finish my homework before sundown, mostly because I just wanted to get this freezing week over with.

I'm In Love With a Killer ~ SonadowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum