Chapter 4

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Also, dedicating this chappie to Ella Sinclaire from FanFiction.Net because they're the only that actually commented their opinion from my A/N.


~Previously on The Price Equals Love~

"Natsu!" I waved at him. He turned around.



~Lucy's POV~

"Lucy..." He stared at me. "You look beautiful. As always." I blushed.

"Well, you look handsome tonight. Like always," I smiled at him. He gave me an adorable smirk.

"So you admit it," He looked at me. "Gray said you didn't find me attractive. But you do," he walked toward me and hooked his arm into mine.

"Shall we go?" I smiled and nodded. We walked toward our date.


~Natsu's POV~

I walked with Lucy, arm in arm, to the restaurant.

Why is my heart beating so fast? I shook my head. No, I can't distract myself.

"You ok, Natsu?" Lucy looked at me with curious eyes.

"Yeah, no worries," I smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Here we are," I swung my arm out to make it dramatic. She giggled, and we went in.

"For how many?" The woman at the front asked.

"I made a reservation," I said. "Under Dragneel." She checked her computer (Do they even have them in there?), grabbed two menus, and motioned us to follow her. She led us to a private room outside, lit with candles. She then put the menus on the table and walked away. Luce and I sat down at each end of the table. We opened our menus as the awkward silence crept in between us. Thankfully, the waiter came by and took our orders.

~After they're done(cause I'm too tired right now)~

~Lucy's POV~

After we finished eating, we walked back to sakura tree and layed on the grass. There was a comfortable silence that huung in the air. Then I thought of something.

"Ne, Natsu?"


"Why did ask me out in the first place?" My heart was beating so fast, and I'm sure my face is red. I just hope it's because "I Love You." There was a slight pause before he answered.

"Well, we didn't have any money, so Mira offered me free food if I do what she wants," He said like it was no big deal. I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes.


~Natsu's POV~

"Well, we didn't have any money, so Mira offered me free food if I do what she wants," I answered. I suddenly smelled salty water. Tears. I looked at Lucy and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. Oh, crap.

"Luce I-" I didn't get to finish before I felt a stinging pain on my cheek. She had slapped me and ran away.

"YOU SELFISH JERK!!!" She yelled.



God, I am SO sorry I didn't update. Even though it was spring break, I couldn't get my hands on the computer and my Galaxy S3 couldn't get google docs. Although I'm going to get my dad's Galaxy S5 soon, so I might be able to type on my phone, which means faster updates!

Also, please comment your opinion if I should start a new fanfiction while writing this one. Thanks for reading!

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