Part 15

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All Right-I did Shattered recently, let's see if I can get this done in a timely fashion...  This book has turned into so much more than I'd originally thought.......  good grief.  Coffee....  Coffee is life.  I'll just be short on sleep for a while hehe........


I wanted to take of my shoes and run barefoot like a child. I wanted my hair down, a swimsuit on-all that was missing was a sprinkler. The half smile on my face hadn't faltered once since I'd thrown the first balloon, and I wanted more. The sun had fully risen, shining down on us-the morning heating up quickly. Why couldn't I take off my shoes and roll up my pants? Why couldn't I let loose for a short bit? There were fourteen men in a secluded setting, why couldn't I do as I had last night and have fun? With those thoughts, I unlaced my combat boots, tied the laces together and hung them on a branch, stuffing my socks into the toes. I wriggled my feet, rolling up my jeans and feeling the bark dig into my toes. A branch dug into my back. Kota was glaring at me, glancing at his gun every so often as though debating if the stream would reach me. I smirked at him, making him clench his jaw in frustration. He could probably throw a balloon and hit me before I moved, I wasn't that high up after all, but I wasn't about to remind him of that fact either. Palming another balloon, green this time, I weighed it in front of me, meeting his gaze challengingly.

Shouting came from the side of the house and Gabriel barreled around the corner, Luke right behind him with North chasing them. Luke yelped as North hit him in the back with a water balloon, drenching the back of his shirt and making him miss a step, stumbling enough for North to tackle him. Just feet from my tree.

"North-" Kota shouted, picking up a balloon to toss at me-but it was to late. I dropped two balloons simultaneously, landing square on his head and spine. He froze, growling, sputtering-and Luke scrambled from beneath him-laughing! I giggled, scooping my last two balloons out of my bag and shouting to Luke-tossing one for him to catch and chucking my other at Axel who jogged around the corner, hitting his chest. I laughed again, the sound bubbling out of me. My chest felt loose, like I could breath once more, and I shouted-dodging what Kota threw and scrambling to mount the roof. I dropped my bag to Luke, shouting refill when he looked confused.

"Sang get the fuck down from there! Someone go up after her!" North growled, glaring around him and putting a water gun to his shoulder.

"No, they might chase her off the roof. Let her be, she can't do to much damage." Victor said, winking at me with his fire eyes when North turned his back again. I smiled, intending to get down shortly-it wasn't much of a challenge to hit everyone and be out of reach. Especially since I never missed. Luke shimmied up my tree, hanging my bag next to my shoes.

"Hey Luke, do you want to be there? I want to go down the front and get Blackbourne." Luke's eyes widened on hearing my voice, then his mouth fell open at what I'd said. He laughed.

"Didn't get him enough last night?"

"Nope." I popped the p, smiling mischievously. He smirked right back.

"All right Cupcake, I got ya covered." He settled into the spot I'd had, taking balloons out of the bag and starting. I turned and went across the roof, eying my options for decent.... It was less than fifteen feet from the ground at the eve of the front porch.... Dropping would be most dramatic, and if I got him from behind.... Bonus.

I went back to Luke, motioning that I wanted my extra guns, and he passed them over.

North was chasing Gabriel, Victor was still stationary-apparently neutral, while Kota directed and guarded the buckets. Corey was shooting at them from the side, hitting anyone and everyone. Silas was doing the same, everyone laughing and generally having a good time. I liked it, seeing them carefree and loose like this. Nathan hid in the bushes near Blackbourne, waiting on Sean who seemed to be at a standoff with the boss. Brandon was looking to Blackbourne for direction, Marc sneaking up behind him, and Raven dragging base closer to the driveway for our access. Axel was making sure Luke didn't come down, and trying (unsuccessfully) to dodge what was thrown at him.

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