Part 12

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A green SUV pulled into the lot, followed by a BMW with a couple motorcycles behind it, then a few more cars-one of which I dove toward, as it was going slow enough for me to launch myself over the hood, use the momentum to carry me a few extra feet, and do a tuck and roll on the other side, springing to my feet and racing off.

"Trouble! Get the fuck back here-fuck Raven watch out!" Car doors slammed, Gabriel was cursing up a storm along with a few others.

"Sang baby get the fuck back here! You shouldn't go off alone in the dark!" Others called out their concerns, and feet thumped behind me. I veered around the edge of the parking lot, using my small size to weave and duck in hopes of throwing him off, following the sound of what I thought to be Marc and Luke laughing their asses off. I wanted to shout for them to cover me, but my voice wouldn't work-there were to many of them.

"Little Warrior!" Raven yelled, his breath coming in pants as his steps drew closer. I pumped my arms and legs harder, a grin spreading over my face-eyes locking on my own target. Luke's brown laughing eyes caught mine, and widened in surprise. He reached out and grabbed Gabriel and Marc's shoulders, getting their attention, and I knew they wouldn't help-they were about to get the hell out of dodge. I grimaced, searching frantically-skidding to stop I waited a split second, knowing Raven's arm was about to capture my waist, and I dropped and rolled, he grunted, narrowly avoiding a face plant as he stumbled past and I searched for North. I may not know the grumpy idiot well, but he would shield me from the ass whooping that was about to commence.... I remembered the time Raven had promised this would happen. I'd just turned 14, him a few years older....

I looked at the huge man in front of me. He was calling me his little Spitfire, but he looked so different from Big Bear the last time I'd seen him, surely this couldn't be him.... I turned and ran, dodging between ponds and pushes, hearing him pursue me vehimently. It wasn't long before his arms wrapped around my waist, taking me to the ground as he straddled me and I struggled, bucking and kicking.

"Fuck! Spitfire I promise it's me, look!" He stripped off his shirt, showing me the tat's that decorated his chest and turning so I could see the top part of his back. I grunted, shrugging, letting a smile spread across my face. His eyes narrowed, and he glared at me, an odd gleam taking up residence in his gaze.... What was he up to? He leaned into me, his voice lowering to a husky growl. "Each time I see you, you grow more into a woman. Next time you run from me, maybe you will be old enough-when I catch you, I will spank your ass red over my knee." Then he stood as though nothing had happened, leaving me gaping in the grass-and proceeded to quizz me on what I knew as though nothing had happened, but I never forgot what he said and how he said it.

Apparently, he hadn't either.

"North!" I grunted, dodging behind him and coughing slightly at forcing the word from my throat. He looked down at me, scowling, and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked me over, taking in my windblown hair and the speed I'd dodged to him, then he looked at Raven. They seemed to communicate silently, and he evaluated the situation. He wouldn't sell me out, right? No, he and Raven didn't even like eachother from the little I'd seen and the way they'd glared at eachother the last time I'd seen them in the same space..... Hands grasped my shoulders, spinning me around and pressing my back to their front. My breath caught, and I struggled, but they wrapped their arms around my waist and trapped me.

"Fuck it's me Sang!" North growled in my ear, and my vision cleared, my body relaxing against him before I conciously thought about it. As my vision cleared, I looked around, noting that all fourteen of the gentlemen that were trying to aquaint themselves with me were gathered around. And Raven.... Was right in front of me. Like, RIGHT in front of me. Grinning. He looked at North, I felt North nod, then his hands were on my shoulders again, shoving me into Raven. My eyes widened as I stumbled forward, mouth gaping as I gasped in shock, my mouth running away with me as I turned to look at the traitor.

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