Part 10

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I have a poll going in my book Shattered regarding what my next fanfic will be once I complete that one, please give your impute there if you have a minute :)


"You want something to drink while I pack?" I asked, proud that I remembered to ask.

"I'm all right thank you, do you want any help packing?" I shook my head quickly and motioned for him to make himself at home before heading back to my room. I could hear him walking around a little, taking in the apartment, before the old couch creaked and I knew he'd settled down. I was a little embarrassed at the sparse furnishings, but I'd only been here just over a month and what was here came with the place.... I didn't have extra money to dump into a place I may not be staying.

It didn't take me long to get all my clothes into one duffel, but my weapons were another story. I cared for them as much and as often as I did my bike, taking care to make sure the sheaths were oiled before stacking them neatly, cloth separating each lair, cardboard every two lairs. I also checked them over for rust, nicks, blood, and the like-taking the time to fix what was wrong if there was anything. I hardly ever found something, as I always cleaned, sharpened, and polished my knives at the end of every night, but it was always good to check.

"Wow, do you name them too?" I heard the humor in his voice and glared over my shoulder, knowing he was asking because Raven named his. I did, my favorites at least, but neither of them needed to know that. I finished, zipping the bag and placing it over my shoulder. Corey reached out to take it but I pulled away, frowning. The few things I had, I was terribly territorial over.... There were a few things of mine you just didn't mess with, my weapons being one of them. He nodded with a grimace, likely feeling his southern gentleman card was in question by me not allowing him to do his gentlemanly duty, but I didn't care. They were mine.

We were quiet most of the way back to the apartment, I wasn't sure what to say, or what we were doing today. I hadn't had a true day off in a long time, what was I supposed to expect? To do? I couldn't talk, so visiting was out, and I knew that the interrogation would begin soon.... Maybe I could head to the beach on my bike?

"Come on, I think Axel has some things he wants to go over with you then we'll talk about what we're doing the rest of the day." Corey said quietly, opening his door and getting out, frowning when I did the same with my own door. I grabbed my weapons bag first, but he snatched my clothing bag. When I didn't protest he smirked, thinking he'd won, and I felt the need to explain.

"It's the weapons. No one touches them." His smirk died, but he seemed to understand, opening the doors for me and leading me back to the apartment.

"Hey, we're back." He called, shutting the door hard behind us.

"Perfect. Sang, come-I'll show you where you can put your things. You'll be sharing with Corey and Raven for now, Raven explained that it isn't good for you to sleep alone." Axel didn't wait for me to answer, turning his back and walking toward what I thought to be an office. I looked to Corey for confirmation-was everything okay? Was it bad? Was I in trouble? I hated that these thoughts whirled through my head, my chest tightening with a potential panic attack, my throat closing. I cleared it, taking a sip of my water bottle, and waited for Corey to nod and smile before I followed the intimidating leader into his study.

Tanks of water lined the walls, even his desk having a narrow one at the back, and papers were stacked and filed everywhere. File cabinets and book shelves were under the tanks, shelves lining the walls over them as well. I wondered what was in the tanks, as most of them were empty-a few had fish and algae, but not much. Axel went straight to a big shelf at the back of the room and pulled off several thick tomes, plopping them on the desk and pulling out two chairs so they faced eachother.

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