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annetwist: everything will be just fine baby boy
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DM between anne and louis

anne, please. i'm so
sorry, i never meant
what i said. I didn't mean

i'm not the one you need
to be saying sorry to lou x

he won't answer my calls,
he's seen my messages but
won't reply. please tell him i'm
so sorry x

louis, i won't lie to you. he is
devastated about it so i'm not
surprised he's ignored you x

why did he take the girls though?
i have nobody and i can't go down
to doncaster because i am so in the
wrong here and my family will tell me
that! x

he took the girls because you
we're so so drunk louis. you
used words and action against
him that scared him and he was
afraid you would do something
to faye and aaliyah too x

i need to talk to him, please! x

louis, it's gemma. you need to
stop begging for him and let
him hurt for a while. what you
said was out of order. he has
been with you for 11 years
and has never cheated. yet
you come stumbling in after
he had waited up for you to
make sure that you were in
and he could get you to bed,
but as soon as you stepped
in the door you scream at
him calling him a womaniser
and pushing him as you throw
out all of the names of his
beards saying he cheated on
you. he still put you to bed,
but was too scared to sleep
next to you so he took the girls
and came straight here. you
know how down he's been lately
and you come along say all that
shit. i'm so fucking angry with
you louis, why did you do that?
he doesn't deserve it!

i know he doesn't gemma! and
i hate myself for it. i don't know
why i said it to him because he
is the best person i have ever
met and i'm so lucky to say that
i'm married to him. i can't believe
i've fucked it all up. he's my
everything and i can't bare to lose
him and his unconditional love.

well you've done it now. you're just
going to have to wait and see what
happens after this. he's blaming
himself for all of this and honestly
i don't know how. he's done shit
all wrong. it's you who he caused
this damage.

can i just talk to him for a second?

no. give him time. yes i'm angry
with you but you're still the best
thing that has happened to my
brother and you make him
ridiculously happy. i know you'll
fix this. harry still loves you :)

you're right. i'm so sorry. i'll
try and fix this because he's
amazing and deserves to be
so so happy. i still love him
too. more than he'll ever know

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