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2,385,203 likesharrystyles: today our daughter asked us if she could go to the park we had a great time for the first 5 minutes

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harrystyles: today our daughter asked us if she could go to the park we had a great time for the first 5 minutes. paps started showing up, at first faye didn't notice them and we carried on playing. i suggested that we all go on a walk so we did, in the opposite direction of the paparazzi. it was obvious we didn't want to be bothered yet they followed us. faye became more aware of them and asked me to carry her. "why are they taking pictures of me dada?" she asked me and i didn't really have a great explanation. she started getting more worked up and saying that she didn't like it. they all got closer to us i could feel her getting sweaty with anxiety and she screamed "they're gonna take me dada." and started having a panic attack, but they didn't stop taking pictures. louis stepped in and started shouting and they soon cleared off. aaliyah had no idea what was going on but she started crying because faye was crying. it took me 15 minutes to calm faye down and took a lot of soothing words and assurance that she was safe. my daughter is 3 years old and she was scared to death that she was going to be taken, we are trying to give our children the most 'normal' upbringing as we can, but that's hard when we have people chasing us with camera's all the time. she has refused to go anywhere without me so i'm currently sitting in the back with the girls whilst louis is driving. dear paps, if louis and i are alone, take as many pictures as you like i don't care but not when my children are around. i never want to relive a moment like that again.

tmhtomlinson: this is awful, i'm so sorry this happened today :(
heswolves: i'm actually disgusted, this is horrific
annetwist: oh my goodness, is my little ray of sunshine alright 😭❤️
harrystyles: @annetwist she's a trooper, we're having some sofa cuddles x
louisxharry: no child should go through that, ever
onedirectiion: omg if i had a toddler and she started having a panic attack i wouldn't be able to cope if feel so sick and want to sob
louist91: @onedirectiion this was me. it was absolutely devastating to watch, i'm so lucky that harry managed to keep calm during everything
harrystjles: i can't imagine what this was like, i'm so sorry. i hope faye is alright, i bet she's quite shaken up 😢

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