Epilogue II

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"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I yelled. Jenna looked at me and laughed. "Yeah, this is the beginning of the virble abuse you're about to get till she pops this baby out."

I laid on the bed and felt nothing but pins and needles in my arms. A doctor came in and smiled softly at me. "Are we ready to meet your little boy?" She asked.

I nodded and looked at the doctor. "Just hurry up damn it." I sat back. Jack put my hair up in a shitty bun and held my hand. He kissed my head and smiled. It was October 22nd and we've been waiting for what felt like years for this moment. Dallas, Lisa and Jennifer all came around me. "Alright, you're going to just take nice calm breath deep breaths and use all your strength and push." The nurse smiled. I looked over to Jack and smiled. "You got this Chloe." Jack smiled.

"Whenever you're ready." The nurse smiled. I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as I could. "Good good, rest for 10 and do 8 sets."

I waited a couple of seconds and went for another push. 7 sets later and me digging my nails into Jack and Jennifers arm the nurses cheered as the pulled out my baby. "October 22nd, 6:35 AM." A nurse said. "Congratulations." She smiled handing me my crying baby. They wiped Ira off with little towels and turned him on his back to cut the unbeical cord. "Would you like to cut it?" The nurse asked Jack.

Jack took the siccers and cut where he was told. They took Ira to get Weighed and measured. Jack put his arms around my back and hugged me. "I love you, you're amazing, I'm so proud of you, I have so much respect for you and I'm just so happy right now." Jack smiled. I kissed him and smiled as he rubbed circles around my back. They came back and handed me the calm baby. "5 pounds 6 ounces."

Jenna kissed my head and smiled. "2nd time seems to be the charm." She whispered.

Alex and the boys all looked at me and smiled. "He's beautiful." Zack smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled. "He's got a lot of your features babe." I giggled.

"Hopefully not my nose." Jack mumbled.

"Baby's healthy, Your blood rate is great. You can get out of here in about 4-7 days." The nurse said. She walked out so now it was only friends and family, and a camera man in the room. Jack Kissed me again and touched Ira's cheek. He had Black hair like jack and was already yawning a lot like me. "Can't we post about this yet?" Rian laughed.

"After the wedding in May, go crazy. I've been posting hits all the time I can't believe no one got them." I laughed.

"When?" Lisa laughed.

"For Jack's Birthday post I said "oh Boy!" Because that was when we found out the gender And the picture was me putting blue frosting on Jack, and a bunch of old videos and pictures then when the boys went to Lilaploza I posted a picture of me and Dallas standing in front of a kids store and said something like "baby baby, I love you ." Then just last week I I posted an obvious video of me dancing. My clothes here baggy and stuff but it looked obvious." I giggled.

"Even I didn't know that." Jack laughed.

Someone knocked on the door loudly and all brought our attention to the two women and 2 men walking in. "Hi." I smiled.

It's become an regular thing that if my family comes to the states they have a man that checks the room just or safety reasons. "Clear." The man said walking out. "Next time call me." I laughed.

Cheryl laughed and set down bags by me feet. "He's handsome Chloe." She spoke. "I cant be here for to long I have a shoot to go to in 20 minuets, but I stopped to give you gifts and say congratulations on birth." She smiled.


Jack has held Ira for about 3 hours and he hasn't cried, or whined and that's oddly strange. I've never seen him care for something as small as a child so seeing him happy made me happy. Awsten and Geoff had came to visit and that made me happy. I was filled with nothing but happiness.

"I fucking did it." I smiled. My smile quickly turned into happy tears as Jack kissed my forehead. "I told you you could do it Chloe." Jack smiled. "You fucking did it my princess." Jack smiled wider and held my hand. "I love you." I smiled.

"My fucking god I love you too." He cried. "I love you so much."


Congratulations you've finished book 2.
Book 3 will probably be out very soon.

I love you all v/ much💕

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