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"My god I haven't been here in a long time." Jack smiled. I grabbed Jacks hand and walked over the the desk.

"I'm going to stay over here." Luke said taking a seat on a black chair.

"ID's please." The man said. I pulled my phone out and opened my case bringing out my drivers license.  Jack slapped his on the counter as the man looked at them.  "Barakat you're in a band aren't you, my daughter can't Shut up about you two being together."  He laughed.

Jack laughed and took our ID's "How old is she." I asked.

"She's 14 turns 15 the 20th."  He Said pulling a picture out.

"She's beautiful." I smiled.

"Do you have kids?" He asked

"Um no but I have 3 boys who are almost 30 that I still take care of." I laughed.

"Oh boy sounds like a hand full." He laughed

"They're sweet boys though." I smiled.

"So how can I help you." He smiled

"I want a J on my ring and a heart on my middle, and he's just going to get a C on his ring." I smiled.

"Do you have an idea on how you want it to look." He asked

I grabbed a pen and the back of a card that was on the counter. I wrote a 'C' and a little heart. "Sign Your 'J'" I said. He put a cursive "J" on the note and handed it to the man.

"Alright simple enough, who wants to go first." He Said

"I will." I Said rolling my sleeves up

"What if I wanted o go first." Jack laughed.

"It'll take like 10 minuets." I laughed.

"He can come back with us if he'd like." The man said

"Jack, Luke come here." I Said
Holding my hand out for Jack. Instead Luke took my hand and lead me to a chair.

"Ready?" He asked placing the tattoo out line on my fingers.

"Yeah." I smiled.

He dipped the needle in the black ink and made the first half of the heart. I rested my head on the side and closed my eyes. "Doing alright Jones?" Jack asked

"Yeah." I yawned. "Tired." I chuckled.

"Do you work?"  He asked

"Yeah, I'm a music journalist around the California area and in Ohio." I smiled.

"My daughter wants to be a music journalist, I think it's because of you, she said that maybe she can be with a celebrity." He chuckled.

"Well she looks beautiful and I'm sure it could happen, happened to me twice." I mumbled

"Who was the first?"

"His name was Geoff he was a good guy then he cheated on me with a girl who didn't love him. He's still my best friend though. People think it's weird to be best friends with someone that hurt you but he helps me when no one else knows how."

"Do you still love him?" He asked

"Do you Chloe." Jack laughed.

"Yes, that's why I'm getting your 'j' on my finger because I love him so much."  I snapped

Jack kissing my cheek and smiled.
"Alright you're done." He smiled

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yup, just have to wrap it." He Said

Drunk Love || Jack Barakat||Where stories live. Discover now