The i love you's

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My room felt empty laying down with no one by me. I looked at my phone to see it was 10 in the morning. I continued to Just looking at the ceiling fan and ponder.

"Room service." A voice said.

"I didn't order room service." I yelled.

The boys walked in with a cart as Jack stood above me. "Morning." He Said.

"I'm going to punch your dick in if you don't move." I muttered.

"We decided that we're going to dinner tonight." Alex said.

"Okay you can leave if you want."

"Nope we brought breakfast to you." Zach said.

Jack rested his hand on my shoulder as I grabbed his arm and dug my nails into him making him pull back quickly. "Don't fucking touch me Barakat." I Said.

"What's wrong Chloe, you've been a Bitch the last 2 days." He yelled.

"Jack calm down dude." Alex said.

"Chloe... why the fuck are you like this?" Jack yelled again.

"JACK!" Rian yelled.

"I fucking knew coming here was a mistake." I Said shoving my shoes on my feet.

"Where are you going now!" Jack yelled again.

"Stop fucking yelling at me asshole." I Said. I slapped him again and felt tears fall down my face.

"Baby girl, don't cry." He Said in my ear. He pulled me into a hug and rested his hand on my hip.

"Get the fuck off me, give someone else that name, I'm so fucking done with you" I cried.

Zach ripped him off me as I fell to my knees and cried. "I don't want to be with you anymore." I cried out.

"No no no, you don't mean that princess, right?" He cried.

"I don't want to be in love anymore, it hurts to much." I cried.

I got up slowly and grabbed my suitcase and my book bag I took my lanyard off and threw it on the bed. "No, no, no!" Jack yelled. Watching him kick and scream made my heart sink down into me. "Zach let me go!" He cried. "I fucking love her!" He yelled.
"Chloe Ash-Lin Jones don't you fucking walk out on me, I-i love you... and you walking out is just going to make me want to love you more, don't do this to me baby girl... you're hurting and I want to be the one... I want to be the only one to make you feel loved, I want to start the family you've always wanted, I want to marry you some day damn it... you beautiful fucking girl." He Said. "Your back is going to stay turned and the tears are going to stream down your face feeling the pain inside that you'll never get over. I love you, I love your past, I love you now, I've loved you for 104 days from the first time I kissed you in Ohio to now." He Said. "Let me fucking love you, I don't like seeing you cry."

"That's the problem, you say you love me but you don't, it's impossible for a broken girl to be loved." I cried.

"I want that broken girl I want her to be happy and I'm trying my best to make her happy. I don't want anyone else but you Chloe." He Said getting out of Zach's grasp. "I want to be the the guy that picks you when you fall."
He said helping me stand up. He wiped my tears from my face and moved my hair out of my face.

"You look perfect like always, I know you hate the word. And I don't fucking care that the boys hear this, I want to get old and we can't walk anymore I want you to know that I did everything I ever wanted with the girl that I love, that's when I'll know I lived my best life with the boys and you." He Said.

I stayed silent and wiped my tears with my shirt.
"I want to take you places you've never been before, we'll going to get a beautiful home in California and Baltimore and... and we can start that family you've always dreamed of you can steal my last name sometime in the future." He smiled.
"Stop saying all these things you don't mean." I said softly.

"I do mean them, we're going to do this and make all of this happen, I'll be 30 next year and I think we should all start to settle in. Alex has Lisa. They love each other." He laughed.

"I seriously can't imagine being with anybody else Chloe." Jack smiled. Jack picked me up and held me by my butt and kissed me. Everything felt as if I was in slow motion nothing else in the room mattered but Jack and I. I pulled away slowly and stared into his Brown eyes.

"Ca-can you leave, I can't do this right now." I Said softly.

He set me down and simply left the room. "Are you Okay?" Rian asked.

"No, I'm not nothing about the past week has been good." I Said putting my hair up in a tighter bun. "I don't know what I want." I Said unbuttoning my pants. I pulled a pair of spandex on and went to my medicine bag. I took out my mint Can and brought a blunt to my lips and lit it outside. On the balcony. The boys looked at me and sat next to me. "We can talk you know." Zach said.

"Come back in 5 minuets when I can't cry." I Said.


The boys didn't leave me but just waited till I was calm. "I love Jack." I Said.

"You do?" Alex smiled.

"Fuck yeah, but not now, he hurt me." I mumbled.

"He didn't mean to hurt you Chloe." Rian said.

"I just ruined the best Relationship I'll ever have." I Said.

"No Chloe, he loves you he'll forgive you."

I got up and burned the bud and walked out and hid my tin back in my medicine pack.

"You can leave, I'm going to get a ticket to New York and attempt to not kill my dad." I sighed.

"Will you come to dinner with us at least?" Rian asked.

"Sure But I don't want Jack to talk to me unless I talk to him first." I Said.

"Alright Jones, we'll see you later."

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