Chapter 44

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Venus quidditch clothes-∆

Friday came and it's the final of the quidditch match between Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. "Captains shake hands" Madam Hootch says, Venus and Harry walk towards each other and shake hands. "I want a clean match, mount your brooms" Madam Hootch says then blew her whistle. "And they're off!" Professor McGonagall commentates from in the stands.

Venus kept her eyes out for the snitch, "Gryffindor Ginny Wesley has the ball going towards the goal, she gets block by Ravenclaw Cho Chang and gives the ball to Katie Bell" Professor McGonagall commentates. Venues blocks out the commentary and watch her team mates, she'll give them hell if they lost the game. She watch Cho score and cheered silently, then she spotted the snitch behind Harry. He's too focus on the game to notice, Venus zoom over towards him. Harry turns to see her coming at him so naturally he thought she was going to attack him, so he narrow his eyes at her.

He realised that she wasn't stopping so he pulled out his wand at the same time as Harmonie and Ron. "Expelliarmus!" They all cast the spell at her causing her to fly off her broom plummeting to the ground at a fast speed. Lucky Dumbledoor slowed her down as he watch her fall, Madam Hootch blew her whistle stopping the game. "You son of a bitch!" Venus yelled at Harry once he landed on the ground. "Ms. Malfoy language!" Madam Hootch snapped at her, "he used his motherfucking wand! He attack me!" Venus yelled.

"You were going to attack me so I defended myself!" Harry yelled at her, "the fucking snitch was behind you! You Bloody idiot!" Venus cursed. "Ms. Malfoy one more word from you and I'll take you out of the game" Madam Hootch snapped at her. Harry smirk watching Venus let out a frustrated sign, "as for you Mr. Potter, the snitch was behind you, no wand and you know it, and tell your friends next time they use their wand while a game is going on Gryffindor will be disqualified. A free goal goes to Ravenclaw!" Madam Hootch announced and the game began again.

"Take the shot Cho, you may of been a seeker but your greater as a chaser " Venus tells her surprising Cho. Cho took the shot and scored, 20 - 0 the score was now, "don't let any in" Venus says as she fly pass Alexander who is the keeper. Alexander nod his head in determination wanting to win this game for his house and his crush. "Ravenclaw Venus has caught the snitch! Ravenclaw wins!" Professor McGonagall announced. Score Ravenclaw 180 and Gryffindor 40, "good game" Harry grumbled shaking Venus's hand. "Yeah, it's not like you attack me or anything" Venus says sarcastically rolling eyes at him.

"We won!" Alex yelled running over to Venus who simply had a smirk on her face. "Yes we did" she says monotone, Alex ignored her tone and grab her by her neck and kissed her in front of everyone. You could hear the wolf whistles, Harry stood shock watching another guy snogg the girl he's in love with. "Let's go" Ron says pulling Harry away to Harmonie, "so I guess we were wrong" Harmonie says as they walk though the hall. "About what?" Ron ask confused, "we attack her for no reason Ron!" Harmonie yelled at him. "You got that right!" Venus sneered behind them causing them to jump in freight.

They see her standing their with the quidditch cup trophy in her hand, "you won the game leave us alone and go back to snogging your boyfriend!" Harry yelled at her. "You attack me for no reason and yelling at me, I deserve an apology" Venus says smirking, "no bloody way!" Ron yelled at her. "Your funeral" Venus says and began to walk away, "Venus wait!" Harmonie yelled after her. Venus stop and face them, "yes?" She ask, "we're sorry, honestly we thought you were going to attack Harry" Harmonie says.

"It's fine, it's a good thing Ginny made that bet and I won" Venus answer, "what bet?" The golden trio asked. "If Gryffindor had won I would have to tell everyone why am being a bitch, Ginny's words not mine" Venus says rolling her eyes. "She got that right" Ron mumbled making Venus glared at him sending him flying into the wall beside him, "ow!" He cried out. The others ignored Ron, "but we lost" Harry says, "oh yeah, if Ravenclaw wins Ronald Wesley is to be my maid for two weeks" Venus said smirking.

"What?!" Ron yelled, "take it up with your sister, am off to party with my team, you start your services tomorrow Ron" Venus tells him walking off. "Am going to kill Ginny!" Ron says storming off to the Gryffindors tower. "I wasn't going to bet myself" Ginny tells Ron after he found her. "You could have bet on Colin!" Ron yelled at her, "I wasn't going anywhere near her after she called me a mudblood" Colin scoffed. Ron threw his hands up in the air in frustration, "wait maybe this is a good thing" Harry says.

"How is this a good thing?" Ron ask confused, "you'll be around her most of the time, so you'll get to know what her brother is up to and what's wrong with her" Harry answered. "Or she could kill him cause he knows too much" Colin suggested, making Ron whimper in fear. Ginny scoffed at her brother and smiled at Colin, knowing he was only messing with Ron. "Dumbledoor is here so she can't kill Ron" Harmonie says, "am stress, I need to eat" Ron says. "Your always eating" Harmonie scoffed at him, Ron rolled his eyes and went of to the kitchen since it isn't dinner time yet.

Harry, Ginny, Colin and Harmonie just followed him rolling their eyes at him walking in front of them. Few hours later at dinner Ravenclaw celebrate their victory on winning the quidditch cup. "Hey! Thanks for believing in me to take that shot" Cho says to Venus, "your great a what you do, even trying to steal other people boyfriend" Venus answered smirking.

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