Chapter 43

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Alex and Venus-∆

Harmonie just like every other Gryffindor and Ravenclaw was wearing their wizard hats to cover their hair and their uniforms hiding their tails. Unfortunately Tenisha wasn't at breakfast she was still in the hospital wing. She had broken a few bones when she was thrown down the stairs by Venus. She couldn't report it cause she has no prove of it, so she told Madam Promfrey that she trip. Venus was over the moon when she found this out, today was also her favorite DADA class too.

"Take off those silly hats!" Snape sneered at the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws when he saw them. When they took them off Venus laugh, Snape was truly Happy and even smiled. "Undo this now!" Destiny yelled at her at lunch, everyone in the great hall went silent. "Undo what?" Venus ask faking confusion, "this!" She yelled talking about her hair, tail and red skin. "But I didn't do it, there is no such spell to do this to you" Venus tells her, well legally there isn't such spell. "I know you did this and I know you pushed Tenisha down the stairs last night!" Destiny says frustrated, "well I heard she trip and again I didn't do it" Venus tells her.

"Am the last person you want to mess with Venus Malfoy" Destiny sneered at her, Venus rolled her eyes. She pack up her things and went to the library to be away from everyone. Destiny was kind of surprise she didn't do anything to her, so she went over to the Gryffindor table. "Harmonie, are you sure it was Venus who did this to us?" Destiny ask nervously, "um, am positive, a whole 90% sure of it" Harmonie admits. "So 10% negative, so I may of accused her of something she might not of done?" Destiny ask nervously. "Yeah, sorry" Harmonie tells her

"Beautiful. I just want my best-friend back" Destiny Mumbled sadly, "I think we all do Des" Harmonie tells her. Weeks pass and now it's Valentine's day, everyone went to homestead for the day. "Venus! Venus!" She heard Alex yelling her name, "what?" She ask frustrated and annoyed. "We have to check around the grounds, it's our new prefect duty" he tells her, "damn it! OK let's go" she tells him. They check the grounds to make sure everything was OK, "what are you going to do for Valentine's day?" Alex. "Try and get pink banded as a colour" Venus muttered seeing pink all over the castle. Alex laugh at her joke even though it wasn't all that funny, at all.

"What about you? Going to spend the day with your girlfriend?" Venus asked. They finish checking the grounds and now in front of her of dorm. "I don't have a girlfriend" he mumbled embarrassed, "oh, I thought that you did" Venus muttered. "Can I try something?" He ask nervously looking at her, "um sure?" She answered unsure. Alex moved towards her slowly and put his hands at her neck and kissed her. Venus eyes flattered shut and kiss him back, he pulled away a few seconds later looking at her in awe. "Bye Alexander" she whispered coldly entering her room, "wow" she says touching her kissed lips.

Venus stood in the middle of her room shock from the kiss, Alex who stood outside her door was blushing wildly. 'I kissed her' he thought, even though he was afraid of her cause of what she did to him. He couldn't make his feelings for her go away, plus he doesn't really remember what happened. His friends just told him that she attack him, but all he remembers is Venus glared at him, then everywhere went black and he woke up in the hospital wing. The next morning Venus woke up to the news that Ronald Wesley was poison. Harry saved him so now he's in the hospital wing healing.

Venus couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit him in the hospital wing. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the youngest male Wesley" Venus say announcing her presence. "Wh-what are yo-you doing here?" Ron stuttered sitting up on the bed. She walk towards him smirking, "calm down Ronald, wouldn't want you to mysteriously end up dead" Venus says. Causing him to whimper in fear, "you should really be careful Ronald, Harry won't always be there to save you" Venus sneered.

"What are you doing in here?" Madam Promfrey came out of her office seeing Venus. "I heard what happened to poor Ronald and knew I had to see him before class" Venus says in fake sadness. "That's very sweet of you darling, off you go now" Madam Promfrey rush her out of the hospital wing, "bye Ronald, watch what you drink" Venus says smirking and left. Ron breath a sign of relief when he saw her gone, he was very great full that Madam Promfrey came in when she did.

At lunch Venus sent Ron, who was now out of the hospital wing an evil smile. He shivered remembering what happened in the hospital wing. "I think Venus wants me dead" Ron says, "why would she?" Harmonie asked confused, "she visited me in the hospital wing" he says. "She what?!" Harmonie and Harry ask shock, "she says I must watch what I drink" he mumbled. "You don't think she had something to do with Ron being poison Harmonie?" Harry ask, "I don't think so, I think she took the opportunity to scare Ron" Harmonie said.

"Maybe. Quidditch final is tomorrow against Ravenclaw" Harry mumbled watching his ex girlfriend eat her lunch. "Knowing Venus she'll do anything to win the house cup, Gryffindor has to win Harry" Harmonie tells him. "Guys I have some bad news" Gabriela says coming over to the golden trio, "what's wrong now?" Ron ask moaning. "Venus switch position with Cho in quidditch, she's now Ravenclaw seeker" Gabriela tells them. "She's going after you Harry" Harmonie tells him as Gabriela went back to her seat.

"If it's a war she wants, it's a war she'll get, am not losing to her" Harry says confidently.

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