Chapter 28

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"Tenisha your beginning to scare me, what's wrong?" Venus asked the serious looking Jamaican. "It's Cho" Tenisha answered, "is she crying over Cedric again?" Venus asked making a move to get off her bed. Tenisha stop her, "no she isn't, she has a crush" Tenisha said, "well, isn't that a good thing? She's moving on" Venus says. Tenisha just look at her, "am not going to like who she has a crush on am I?" Venus asked. Tenisha shake her head no, "it's Harry, your boyfriend, she has a crush on your boyfriend" Tenisha tells her.

"What?! She would never, she can't, I may not like Harry at this moment, but, she can't" Venus said in disbelief. "Venus, I have never lied to you, I may be a loud mouth Jamaican, but I never lie" Tenisha told her. "Let's just watch her and if she takes it too far, I'll do something" Venus says, "if your gonna beat her ass I got your back" Tenisha said. Venus giggled, "girl get off my bed and go to sleep" Venus says pushing her. "Night planet" Tenisha says, "night Caribbean girl" Venus says.

The next morning Tenisha and Venus went off to breakfast, Tenisha sat beside Cho and Venus sat beside Luna. They got their timetables and ate their breakfast, a few minutes later henwing landes on Venus's shoulder. He drop a note in front if her, "who's that from?" Cho asked, "Harry" Venus answer as she open the note. Cho glared at her but she didn't see, Tenisha, Luna, Destiny and Gabriela saw though.

I know your upset, but am telling you the truth, please don't hate me.


Venus giggled, "he apologized, should I forgive him and talk to him?" Venus ask her friends. "Yes!" Tenisha says, "no!" Cho said, "I mean, if you forgive him now, he'll always think you easy" Cho explained. Tenisha shake her head no and mouthed 'forgive him' to Venus, "thanks for you comment Cho, but I miss my boyfriend" Venus tells her. Cho fake smiled, Venus got up and walked over to the Gryffindors table and sat beside Harry.

She kiss his cheek, "I forgive you" she whispered into his ears, he smiled and kissed her cheek. "And I believe you" she says, "you do?" Harry asked shocked, "yeah, I asked my parents, and they told me the truth" Venus mumbled. Harry could see all the sadness in her eyes, "am sorry" he told her, "it's OK, let's go to class" she tells him. "What class do you have now?" Harmonie ask her, "DADA" she answered smiling. DADA is her favorite class along with potion, Harry walked her to class then he went to his.

"Good morning class!" Professor Umbrigde said entering her classroom, "good morning Professor Umbrigde" the Ravenclaw's and Hufflepuff's greeted her. "I am Professor Umbrigde, put away your wands and take out you text books" she told them. Venus took out her text book, "what the fuck?" She heard Tenisha ask from beside her. Venus look at her with a confused look, "did you say something Ms....?" Umbrigde ask.

"Smith. This book has no defensive spells" Tenisha told her, Venus open the book to see if that's true. "Why would you need defensive spells?" Professor Umbrigde asked smiling, "I case we're being attack" Tenisha said like its the most obvious thing in the world. "Who would want to attack innocent students like your selves?" Professor Umbrigde ask, "some of us aren't all innocent" Venus mumbled. "You said something Ms......?" Umbrigde ask, "Malfoy. And I was just agreeing with you, no one wants to attack us" Venus said with a fake smile.

"What de fuck?!" Tenisha end up yelling out, Venus gave her 'shut the hell up' look, "I don't allow language like that in my classroom, detention Ms. Smith" Professor Umbrigde told Tenisha. Tenisha rolled her eyes and glared at Venus, "turn to page one exercise one" Umbrigde told them. As soon as class ended and they exit the classroom Tenisha yelled "what the fuck was that?!". Venus turn to her "She's from the ministry anything she reports goes back to the minister of magic, who at the moment hates Dumbledoor" Venus explained.

Tenisha still had on a confused look on her face, "if students meaning you are rebellious She'll report it to get Dumbledoor in trouble, I was trying to stop you" Venus explained further. Tenisha now understood her best-friend, "but now I have detention" she mumbled. "I'll get you out of it, but let's get to potions, Snape is extra Snapey today" Venus said giggling. Getting Tenisha out of detentions is a usual thing for Venus, Tenisha has a big mouth that gets her in trouble a lot.

After potions Venus went straight to Professor Umbrigde classroom to get Tenisha out of trouble. But ran into the Wesley twins on her way there, "Fred, George" she says. They smirked at her, "we need your help" Fred said, "it's up topmost important" George said. "What is it?" Venus asked, "we need the Slytherin tower password" they said, Venus's eyes almost bulge out of her head. "Why would you think I would know it? Am a Ravenclaw not a Slytherin" she tells them, "your a Ravenclaw yes" George says.

"But your related to a Slytherin" Fred says smiling, "you think my brother told me the password?" Venus asked. "Yeah, we know he did" they answer, "what are you two planning?" She asked. "Nothing life threatening" Fred answered, Venus rolled her eyes, "pureblood, that's the password" she told them. "Thanks!" They told her and ran off in the direction of the Slytherin tower. She walk of the Umbrigde classroom but as soon as she entered she wish she didn't.

"Who would want to attack innocent students like you?" Umbridge ask, "oh! I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort!" Harry yelled sarcastically at her. 'Oh no! Not you too' Venus thought, "that's detention Mr. Potter!" She told him, then she saw Venus. "Yes, Ms. Malfoy?" She ask sweetly, "I need to speak to you" Venus told her not looking at Harry.

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