Chapter 27

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Venus badge-∆

Summer is over and Venus just received her report, she got all O's even got cheerleading captain. "Is that a prefect badge?" Tenisha asked across from her, "no, you can't be a prefect until fifth year, it's a cheerleading badge" Venus answer. "I didn't get one" Luna, Cho and Tenisha told her confused, "I know, it's the captain badge" Venus answered and show it to them. They screamed loudly, "stop screaming! Let's finish packing so we can go on the death trap" Venus told them.

"It's not a death trap, it's called a plane" Tenisha told her glaring at her, "well I prefer a broom" Venus told her rolling her eyes at her. Tenisha is half blood, but Luna and Cho are pure bloods, if Tenisha was a muggle born witch then Venus would be home for the summer. They pack their things and Tenisha's mom drove then to the airport. From the Jamaican airport to the England airport to the train station, then to Hogwarts. They found and empty compartment on the train so they stayed there, but Cho left to buy sweets.

Cho found the woman selling sweets in front of the golden trio compartment, she bought her sweet but made eye contact with Harry. She blushed and walk away, "what got you so flustered?" Tenisha asked her when she came back. "It's nothing, I was thinking about the first time Cedric talk to me" she lied, they all gave her sad smiles. They talked among them selves as Venus wrote in her little black book. She was more determine to bring back people to life because of how Cedric's death made Cho sad.

At the welcome back feast Venus notice a new teacher all dress in pink, "ewww, did a pink cotton candy throw up on her?" Tenisha asked. Venus kicked her under the table for being rude, "ow! That hurt" Tenisha hisst as her. As Dumbledoor gave his welcome back speech he was rudely interrupted by the Lady in pink. "Is she cra-cra?" Tenisha asked, "obviously" Venus, Luna and Cho answer simultaneously. Her name is Deloris Umbridge, "more like Deloris Umbitch!" Tenisha said out of nowhere, Venus just rolled her eyes.

"We're going to be great friends" Professor Umbrigde said, "who wants to be her friend?" Tenisha asked in disbelief

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"We're going to be great friends" Professor Umbrigde said, "who wants to be her friend?" Tenisha asked in disbelief. Professor Umbrigde took her seat and Dumbledoor went back to his speech. Venus went to the Gryffindor table and greeted Ginny, Colin and Dennis, then sat with Ron, Harmonie and Harry. "Hey! How was your Summer?" Venus asked, "great!" Ron and Harmonie answered, "and you Harry?" Venus asked. Harry scoffed at her question, "why ask when it's all over the papers?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" Venus asked confused, "didn't you read the Dailey profit all summer?" Harmonie asked her. "No, I was in Jamaica all summer" Venus answered, "Harry was almost expelled" Ron said casually. "Expelled?! What did you do?" Venus asked Harry, "I was attack by dementor and I did the spell to get rid of them" he answered. "Um Harry? Dementor can't go somewhere unless they went sent, you almost being kicked out of school was no accident" Venus told him.

They just steered at her in shock, "Venus, who could have sent the dementor?" Harmonie asked curiously. "Oh, anyone high up in the ministry" Venus told her, "there are death eaters in the ministry" Ron whispered. "That's impossible Ron! The minister would have all of them lock up in ascaban!" Venus told him. Harry and Harmonie couldn't make eye contact with her, "you should tell her Harry" Ron says. "Tell me what? Tell me what Harry?" Venus ask facing him confused, "at the Triwizard competition the cup was a portkey to a cemetery, Voldemort was there. Along with some of his death eaters" Harry says, "so?" Venus asked impatiently.

"Your father is a death eater Venus" he told her, Venus steered at him until tear weld up in her eyes. "No, there is no way, my dad can't be" she whispered to herself, Harry move to hug her but she flinch away from him and left the Gryffindor table. She walked over to the Slytherin table, "hey Venus, you OK? Why are you crying?" Pansy asked, "bitch stop talking to me! Draco, outside now!" Venus snapped her brother. They exit the great hall and stood in the corridor, "what's wrong?" He asked her wiping her tears away. "Is it true?" She asked him, "is what true?" He asked confused, "you know dad more than I do" she state.

"Yeah, so what?" He asked confused, Venus took a deep breath, "is dad a death eater?" She asked softly. "Mom and dad finally told you?" He asked, Venus totally shock, "mom too?" She asked. "Shit, you didn't know did you?" He asked nervously,  "no, Harry told me" she says. Draco ran his hand through his hair, "damn! Doesn't Potter know how to keep his big mouth shut?!" He yelled out frustrated. He look down at his sister, "look, just write to dad and he'll explain everything to you" he says, she nod her head and ran off to the Ravenclaw tower.

Dear dad,

    Where do I begin? Um, I missed you and mom all summer, Jamaica was great. I got cheerleading captain and got all O's in my exams. Today was supposed to be great coming back here to Hogwarts. But it wasn't, Harry Potter told me your a death eater. I asked Draco, but then I found out mom is one too, please tell me these are all lie.

Your Princess,

She sent off nightwing with her letter, a few minutes later Tenisha came in (they share a room). "Oh Merlin! I missed my bed" Tenisha said face palming into the bed, "your crazy, you know that?" Venus asked her giggling. "I know, on a serious note, am going to be totally honest with you" Tenisha says, "honest about what?" Venus asked. Tenisha came off her bed and sat on Venus bed with her and held her hand.

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