Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"You having trouble with your english assignment?" Zayn asks Ethan who looks up from the trains, Zack climbing into his lap as soon as he does. "Um, y-yeah, can we talk alone for a second?" Ethan stutters. Zayn furrows his eyebrows and doesn't miss the confused looks that all three other adults are sending the just turned thirteen year old, "yeah sure, Buddy. Let's go down to my office" Zayn hums, having a feeling this is about more than an english paper. Ethan smiles gratefully and sets Zack back on the floor, "E" Zack whines reaching for the teenager as he stands up, "I'll be back Bubba, you play with Mason for a few minutes" Ethan chuckles, Zack pouting and turning to look at Mason before he giggles and climbs onto the eight year old's lap instead, Mason pretending to groan as he does.

Zayn follows Ethan down into the basement, shutting his office door behind them and dropping to sit in his desk chair, Ethan taking the one opposite him. Zayn watches as the teenager chews on his bottom lip and plays with his fingers, "what's going on Ethan?" Zayn asks gently. Ethan snaps his head up looking at Zayn, "remember when you saw me and Elliot holding hands, when you first started back at school?" he asks, still playing with his fingers. Zayn smiles "yeah and several times since then" he grins, Ethan blushes but rolls his eyes. "I haven't said anything, even to Uncle Liam, if that's what you're worried about" Zayn assures him. Ethan smiles at him then, "I know because he would have told Mum by now, but uh. I kind of um need some advice" Ethan mumbles. Zayn nods slowly, "I'm all ears E" he says. Ethan takes a deep breath "Elliot got a girlfriend" he mutters looking away so Zayn can't see the tears pooling in his eyes. "Oh Ethan" Zayn hums, "and you really liked him didn't you?" Zayn asks. Ethan just nods, wiping at his wet eyes, "like we've been friends forever and then when I was questioning things, he said he was too. But now he won't even really talk to me" he sniffles.

Zayn frowns, getting up to come around his desk to pull his nephew into his arms, "it's okay, shh" Zayn murmurs, rubbing his back. When Ethan seems calmer Zayn pulls away, "what exactly were you and Elliot?" he asks carefully. Ethan shrugs, "I don't know. We had a sleepover and I told him that I thought I might actually like boys, and he said he did too, so we agreed to try it and see" he mumbles. Zayn nods, "and what did you learn from this?" he asks gently, Ethan shrugging again. "That I still think I like boys, but sometimes I like girls too" Ethan whispers. Zayn nods, "okay. That's okay, you know that's perfectly okay, right?" Zayn asks. Ethan shrugs, playing with his fingers and looking away from Zayn again. "No Ethan look at me, please" Zayn says, seriously, "it is okay for you to like boys, and it's okay if you like girls, and it's definitely okay if you think you may like both" Zayn continues when Ethan looks at him. Ethan nods slowly but he doesn't look convinced, "yeah I know that. But I just don't know how to tell my mum, because I think I may like boys more than I like girls" he mumbles. Zayn nods, "and that's alright" he hums, "and your mum she'll be fine you know that. She accepts Uncle Liam and me, right?" Zayn asks.

Ethan's quiet for a minute, and Zayn just sits quietly beside him, allowing the teenager to digest the information. "Uncle Zayn, how did you tell your parents that you know..." Ethan trails off. Zayn chuckles, "I was fifteen and brought a boy home after school, they walked in on us making out on the couch" he offers, Ethan makes a face. "Yeah not doing that" he mutters and Zayn nods, "I don't recommend it. But after when I talked to my mum and dad they said they already kind of knew, they were just waiting for me to confirm it" he explains. "But what if I change my mind, like I know I'm young" Ethan asks. Zayn chuckles, "Ethan, it doesn't matter how old you are, this is one of those things where you know when you know. And if you decide when you're older that you like girls more than boys or still boys more than girls that's fine. You can love whoever you want to love" he says seriously. Ethan just nods before he launches himself at Zayn, hugging him tightly, "thanks Uncle Zayn" he mumbles and Zayn just nods "anytime Pal" he hums, kissing the thirteen year old's head.

"Hey, about Elliot" Zayn starts when Ethan let's him go, "if he can't see how amazing you are he's not worth any of your time okay?" Zayn asks. Ethan rolls his eyes and chuckles "yeah, yeah, I'm awesome" he laughs. Zayn shakes his head "you can be upset because the way he treated you isn't okay, but don't let him get in your head, you'll find someone, whether its a boy or a girl, who will really get you, and stick with you" he insists. Ethan grins "I know, thank you" he mumbles, Zayn just nodding as he stands up. "We should head back upstairs before they send in a search party for us" Zayn chuckles, Ethan nodding as he follows his uncle out of the room. "Hey" Zayn says softly, stopping Ethan before he can climb the stairs, "whenever you're ready to talk to your parents, I'm here for you, okay?" Zayn asks. Ethan grins nodding, wrapping his arms around Zayn in another hug, "I know. Thanks Uncle Zayn. For everything, I really am happy Uncle Liam has you" he muffles into Zayn's chest, before he lets go and bounds up the stairs, Zayn following slowly behind him.

"Alright?" Liam asks as Zayn flops back down beside him and Ethan makes a beeline for Zack. "Yeah, he just wanted to talk about something that happened in class" Zayn answers it's not a lie exactly, just not the complete truth. Liam looks unconvinced and Zayn knows he's worried, because there's still evidence Ethan was crying on the teenager's face, he just hopes his husband will let it go, this time. Liam nods slowly, looking between Zayn and Ethan where he's laughing as Zack climbs all over him, "right" he hums, sounding completely unconvinced. "You get everything sorted out Ethan?" Ben asks "um yeah I think so, thanks Dad" Ethan answers allowing Zack to 'knock' him over backwards on the floor. Zayn smiles down at his nephew as his son climbs all over him 'wrestling' the teenager, Ethan just smiles back, mouthing "thank you" up at Zayn, who nods, thinking Ethan will be alright he's just going to need a little time.

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