Chapter two

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Meanwhile Frey roamed around in the University with her friends where she studied totally unaware of what is going to happen. They all sat down in a bench to discuss about the subject they are suppose to do an assignment on. Which is none other then King Arthur Pendagron who happens to be her father. Something that she cannot reveal to the world and pretty much keep mum about certain parts of his life which somehow the Historians had screwed up inculding the minor details about her own mother. She knows the story about her father better than anybody else since her mother tells the stories all the time. Frey could tell it hurts Merlyn when talking about Arthur because who else wouldnt be since their other side of the coin and soulmate has left them for centuries.
Moreover, she also knows that her mother is waiting for the day her father would come back. Frey really hopes the day would come without realising that the day is coming sooner than anybody expected. Alongside with King Arthur's return other people would be returning also. Some that would make Merlyn happy others hellbent on destorying Merlyn.

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