Chapter one

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It was a normal day in the Modern London, at least for the common people who are not aware of the day it is and what importance it holds. For today is a huge part of history and for Merlyn it was the day she lost Arthur and lost part of her heart. He was not only the Once and Future King but her soulmate, her another side of the coin and her love.She has waited for centuries for his return but there is no sign that shows threat that would force him to come back when it is most needed. But right now, she needs to focus on one thing and that is her daughter. Yes, a daughter that Arthur never met because he died and few days later only, she found out that she was expecting. Their daughter was a proof of their love and reminded her of how scared they both were because they both are young, in love and what would Uther do if he found out about their relationship.

Cold and numb, that is what he felt at this moment. He could still feel Merlyn's touch and her whispered words before he died. He didn't want to die but apparently Fate has other plans made for him. He hoped that if he survived the battle, the first thing he is going to do is legalize magic, lift the ban on magic users and reveal to his subjects that Merlyn is the one who captured his heart and would be his Queen but time ran out.
If only he tried to understand his half sister and others then perhaps he would be alive instead of being dead.
But what is this feeling right now? He felt light as air right now and he feel himself raising to the surface. It seems like that he is coming back and is raised alive."Hold on Merlyn. I am coming back for you." Thought Arthur as he slowly rose higher from the Lake.
This time, he is not taking any chances. He will fight for Merlyn if he has to and ask her hand in marriage. Perhaps Gaius might walk her down the aisle, he must have his mother's jewels polished extra so that way it can shine bright when Merlyn wears it on their wedding day. The Knights can walk behind Merlyn alongside with Gaius because they treat her like a little sister and she treats them as big brothers. He knows very well that if he hurts Merlyn then his Knights would physically hurt him or do something unspeakable.
He has no intention of hurting her for he truly loves her and hopes that his father wouldn't be rolling in his grave for choosing Merlyn who happens to be a servant as his Queen. After all, Arthur married for love not for a political alliance.

That is the end of the first chapter. Vote and comment on what you think of this story.. Happy Reading..

Destiny Cannot Part Us..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ