Chapter 10

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After a few hours of getting everything planned and ready, the group stood out in the street, equipped with neuro-blocking gear, walkie-talkie communicators and dressed in their suits.

"Alright, We're going to need two groups!" Astrid said. "Flash, you will lead the second team, you guys will need to stay hidden as much as possible. Your team will need you to transport them asap if things get rough, while Vibe can breach my group if the need arises."

"Sounds good. Who's going with who?" Barry asked her.

"I can bring our World Walker with us, I would prefer if we kept him and Frost separate from each other. So Caitlin, you will need to go with Flash. You guys are also going to need firepower, so Diggle can watch your backs. That just leaves Green Arrow, Batman and Elongated Man."

"Star... I'm willing to fight by your side." Oliver said.

"Ralph?" Astrid asked, looking at the Elongated man.

"I'm not so sure that I'm all that confident being on the front line." Ralph replied, "I hope you don't mind, but I'll stick with Barry... ahem... the Flash. But hey... I can always give you a hand if you need it... even from across the street." Cisco laughed at Ralph's joke.

"Batman?" Astrid asked.

"I'll go where I'm needed." He replied, sending a grappling hook up into a nearby building and disappearing.

"Alright, let's do this!" Astrid said. Before Barry left, he grabbed her by the arm.

"If anything happens, despite our differences. You're still one of my best friends. Don't forget that." Barry told her.

"You too, Flash. Now, go!" Astrid demanded of him. He left, taking his group with him.

Astrid, Cisco, Oliver and Harry stood in the middle of the darkened abandoned street. Harry moved the spotlight, letting it flicker across buildings. Cisco checked on the generators. Oliver readied his bow, and Astrid scanned the street for any mental activity.

"Are you sure this is going to work, Harry?" she asked.

"I never said I was sure. It was just the only idea I could come up with at the time." Harry replied.

"Do you want me to go with plan b? The B meaning Breach?" Cisco asked.

"Just a minute," Astrid said. She felt a mental presence. The Overmaster was around, but she couldn't locate him. So she sent him a message using her mind. 'You want people with exceptional abilities? Well, you saw us in action... Leave your men, and come and face us yourself.' She was taunting him.

"Do you really think you could fool me, child?" The voice of the Overmaster spoke out into the street, he had arrived. He was accompanied by his follower Nightfall.

"Mind Marvel, we found their friends." She heard Barry say through his communicator. "Don't worry, we'll take them out."

Harry and Oliver readied their weapons and Cisco readied his hands, as Astrid stood and faced the Overmaster before them. He was huge and wore a blue and red battle suit with a yellow face mask with Blue horns. They could not see his true form.

"You cannot begin to fathom why I have come." His voice boomed down at them.

"I'm pretty certain it has something to do with wanting to destroy civilizations and recruiting people with exceptional gifts." Astrid said.

"Don't make him mad, Star!" Oliver said from under his breath.

"The thing is, you're trying to take over my city." She continued to be as cocky as she could, "I won't let it go without a fight. You may have noticed that I am a telepath. You know, I can compel people's minds and all, right?"

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