Beloved to The Royals

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Gabriella Sinclair and Dakota Bellator were just your average everyday sixteen year olds, who went to school, studied, and had slumber parties. Life as they see it is how everyone else sees it, or so they think. They would have never guessed that the world is a whole hell of a lot different than what they thought it was. Turns out, the human world is completely oblivious to what is really going on.
Vampires are planning to take over the world, and no one, not even the scary and powerful werewolves, can stop them. The leaders of the vampires, vampiric lord brothers Blaze and Crimson Everblade, have it all planned out. They would have never guessed that worst possible flaw would find them and get in their way. What is it, you may ask? Well, it just so happens to be their beloved mates, also known as two human teenagers, Gabriella and Dakota. They can't get hurt or killed, so they do the only thing logical.
They kidnap them.
The vampiric lord brothers completely turn Gabriella and Dakota's lives upside down. They are taken away from life as they see it. No more moms or dads. No more annoying siblings. No more public school. No more slumber more anything. The brothers ravish the girls with love, gifts, and sexy abs, but can the girls love them back? After taking them away from everything that they have ever known?
Read more to find out.

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