"Ben, you're a terrible friend," Fernando was still calm as he spoke the words.

"My intention was not to cause all this embarrassment. I just really wanted you to celebrate with us. I'm sorry if I thought we were friends so we could celebrate something together," Now it seemed that Ben was offended.

"Ben, silent, and you Fernando cannot leave. You left your neighborhood to come to ours. It is not fair that you leave. Carla will not mind having you with us."

"And Bernardo?"

"I'm sure he will not mind either. He does not know you, and he has never heard of you. He will not bother to have another one on the table."

"Elle's learning to lie."

"What part did you not understand to keep silent?"

"The part that you're not my boss."

"Ben, please!" Ben snorted and fell silent. "Fernando, I need to know the truth. Do you like Carla? Do you love her?"


"What?" I was amazed at the direct response from Fernando. My eyes went to Ben, asking an extra help to continue the subject.

"They like to call me an asshole," Ben said referring to Carla and me. "You are one. Besides idiot, sluggish, stupid, stupid and stupid again," This was not the help I wanted from him.

"Just because his feelings for Elle have turned into love does not mean that mine for Carla has to change as well."

"But you looked all bothered when you saw Carla with Bernardo in front of the school that day," Fernando flushed with Benjamin's attempt to persuade him.

"I already explained my reasons."

"Blah blah blah!"

"Seriously, Elle, do you like him?" Fernando said pointing at Ben.

"One day he will grow up and stop acting like this."

"Do you still have hope? He is almost twenty years old."

"Almost twenty years old? I have almost a year until I am twenty. You are taking the day off to offend me today. I don't like it."

"We're just joking. We like you that way," I caressed Ben's face, which held my hand and placed a kiss on it. Fernando feigned a cough.

"I'm already feeling left over, do not make my status even worse. No lovely-dovey stuff, please."

Ben managed to convince Fernando to join us. With his head down, he was visibly red, stuffing his hands into his pocket trying to hide his nervousness. I imagined myself in his place and knew how painful this must be for him. I had to have a serious conversation with Benjamin later.

Carla had the same reaction as Fernando. I saw panic build up in her face as soon as she saw Fernando. Her rosy cheeks gained even more color. She looked away to the table. Bernardo noticed our presence, and he turned his gaze to us. He looked at Fernando a little puzzled, then at Ben, and smiled. I was sure his wish was to kill his cousin at that moment. He knew Benjamin enough to realize that the thin boy next to us was Fernando.

"You took too long," He said in a polite tone, but that I knew as soon as he had a chance alone with Ben would exfoliate him. I give him the reason. I would be annoyed if someone that I liked very much would bring Jessica to eat pizza with Ben and me.

"We were waiting for FERNANDO," Ben said Fernando's name in a particularly unique way as if he meant, Look, Bernardo, this is Fernando, that guy you're thinking of, the one I announced the name thousands of times here at this table.

60 Days with Ben (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now