He had to admit that he really liked her. The whole week that they were separated, he found himself thinking about her. He would just lay in his bed thinking of little things about her, like the way the sun rays danced along her locks, the way she would scratch her nose lightly with her forefinger when she was concentrating on something or the way she was holding onto her cup of coffee with her tiny hands as if her life depended on it. Sure, she was a coffee lover.

"Wanna come over, my parents are not home. And I made some pancakes."

At Jungkook's surprise, her answer came right away and her message wasn't cold like he expected it to be. Rather than that, she sounded like she was calm and relaxed, almost as if she was waiting for him to text her.

Without wanting to waste another second of waiting to see her, he headed towards her home. Along the way, he was slightly nervous and practicing in his mind the words he wanted to say to her. More like the apologies he needed to say. But all of that went out the window when his eyes spotted her.

It's been a week since they last saw each other, but once their eyes met, Jungkook felt like it was an eternity. And he had to admit that he missed her a lot more than he expected.


Minhee greeted him while he was just standing on her front porch, staring at her. She caught his Adam's apple bobbing up and down when he swallowed as his eyes went down her legs. She was wearing shorts but the way he was looking at her, made her feel even more exposed in front of him.

Instead of making a remark about him gaping at her, she just leaned back making way for him to come inside her house.

They sat on the sofa in her living room in silence as if both of them didn't know where to start.

"I'm sorry."

They said it at the same time, and once realizing it they started laughing. The awkward silence around them was gone and suddenly it felt like everything was back the way it used to be.

Jungkook hesitantly and slowly moved his hand to hold hers being afraid that she wouldn't let him. Once his hand wrapped around her warm one, he exhaled in relief and brought it upwards to his mouth placing a soft kiss on it.

"I'm really sorry that I acted that way, Minhee. I'm sorry that it took me so long to come to apologize. I promise that I'll change from now on. And thank you for giving me a chance and still being with me after what I've told you about my past."

"You don't have to change for me, Jungkook. Just be yourself around me, that's all I want from you."

"But...", Jungkook protested again. He felt like he needed to change for her. He felt like she was giving a lot to him and the only thing that he gave her in return was pain. And he hated it, he didn't want to give her pain, he wanted to make her happy.

"You really are clueless, aren't you?"

Minhee smiled, using her free hand to caress his cheek. She was taken aback of how his skin after all his scars and bruises was still soft like baby skin.

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, really l... No, I'll show you!", she said it with a mysterious cheeky smile and before Jungkook could figure out what she meant, she already wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her.

When their lips met, a warm feeling spread across both of them, like they were meant to be together.

Jungkook was startled at first from her sudden movement, but just a few moments later he took over the power.

The kiss was supposed to be just a light one, so Minhee could show him how she felt about him. But when she leaned a little away from his face he grabbed her from behind her neck and pulled her towards him, devouring her lips once again.

He wasn't hesitating even for a moment to curl his tongue along her lips. He parted them a little like he was asking for an entrance.

Their tongues were moving like an exotic dance. Both Jungkook and Minhee were exploring something new about each other. Somehow in the middle of their make-out Minhee found herself settled in his lap with both of her legs around his waist. Their bodies were pressed together sharing their warmth.

Her hands curled around Jungkook's biceps feeling its hardness. She had to admit that he had a muscle-gifted body figure. Her eyes had been blessed before with Jungkook's upper body without a shirt, when she caught him one day training in his room in the studio. But this was even better because now she could feel him, even though his shirt was still on.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was already lost. His hands slowly found their way under her shirt. He held her around her waistline, feeling the softness of her silky skin under his rough fingertips.

"You know what I mean now...", she somehow managed to say between their heated kisses without figuring that her hands moved on its own towards the edge of his shirt and that she was slowly taking it off him.

"Mhm...", Jungkook whispered as his lips slowly left hers and trailed along her jawline traveling down and found the sweet spot of her neck. He was biting lustfully and sucking, feeling heat and hunger for her like never before.

The feeling he gave her, caused her to pin her nails in his back knowing that it with probably leave a mark. A mark showing that he was hers.

"But I don't want to go so fast", she whispered in between her moans, grabbing his soft brown locks between her fingers. His growls in her neck vibrated over her skin, letting her know that that was exactly the way he wanted it.

"Let's slow then", he murmured in her neck, letting his breath to trail over her skin leaving warm marks wherever it passed.

Minhee was nodding but in reality, neither of them really wanted that. They were craving for each other for so long, they were already too caught up, too much gone to stop now.


Hey! First of all, sorry guys but no smuts in this! They just had a hot make-out session just like any other horny teenagers who have feelings towards each other. You, dirty minds out there, if you are imagining something else, go wash with holy water. ^.^

Anyway, did you like it? This book is not all sadness and cries, it'll have fluffy romance and heated moments too, don't give up on it.

Thank you for reading!


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