[14] A chance

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The sun rays caressed Jungkook's face leaving warm marks along the way. Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on the bridge beside the lake letting their feet to lightly touch the water floating under them.

Jungkook turned to face his friend sitting next to him. Taehyung had his eyes closed as he was enjoying the sun, inhaling the sweet spring air while soft humming sounds came out of his mouth.

Taehyung suddenly opened his eyes turning his head towards Jungkook. He opened his mouth and closed it again as if he was hesitating whether he should say something or not.

"Yah, just say it! What is it?", Jungkook said getting tired of Taehyung's hesitations watching him open his mouth and close it again like a fish on dry land.

At his surprise, Taehyung let out a smile dance on his face before asking. "You have feelings for her?"

"Who, Liana? If you count hate, then yes I have strong feelings for her. Strong feelings of hatred. I swear when I..." The sudden question worked Jungkook up, as his mood changed from calm into a storm in a millisecond. Just the mere thought of Liana made his blood angrily pump through his veins right into his ears.

"No idiot, I'm talking about Minhee."

Taehyung nudged Jungkook mostly to calm him, but at the same time to tease him about his girl. Jungkook opened his mouth and when he was about to answer the question... he opened his eyes.

He found himself laying in his bed, while the clock on his bedside table showed eight in the morning. But Jungkook felt like something was strange about this morning. It was the first time in a long time, that he didn't have a nightmare involving Taehyung. Instead, they were sitting on their favorite spot by the lake. The day wasn't even gloomy; it was a beautiful day in late spring maybe.

And for the first time, Jungkook actually felt happy when he woke up. He recalled the conversation he had with his best friend and whispered softly looking at the ceiling of his bedroom.

"Yes, I do."


"Can we talk?"

Jungkook had sent a message to Minhee hoping that it wasn't too late to apologize to her and make things right. It's been almost a week since they last saw each other and he had to admit that he acted like a jerk towards her.

The only thing that Minhee did was comforting him and helping him when he most needed her. Never once she failed or disappointed him and yet again when she said one wrong thing, he snapped at her.

He was feeling guilty the whole week and didn't know how to apologize. But really wanted to make things right again, and to go back to the way they used to be. Maybe even more than that.

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