{Chapter 1} Just Moved

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  "Just one more box and.... done! That's all for now!" Amanda exclaimed. "I'm so glad we moved to this new neighborhood. Sure, it's gonna take a lot of getting used to, but it's a nice change. I do miss our old house but this is a lot nicer than what we had. There's wifi, right?"
  "Of course, just not yet. We just got all these boxes in here, so it'll be maybe an hour before the wifi's hooked up. I have to search for it in all these boxes an-" Amanda cut (Y/N) off before she could finish her sentence. "Hey, look at this photo album! I was looking through the boxes for the wifi router and I found this! It's filled with tons of old photos I haven't seen in years!"
  Amanda set the photo album down on the floor and (Y/N) sat down in front of it. Amanda plopped down next to (Y/N). She flipped open the album to the first page, revealing her baby photos."
  "Aweeee look at my Manda Panda! You and your little princess dragon costume, or whatever we called it." Amanda became embarrassed with the sight of the photos. "Oh my god, I looked like a baked bean." Amanda closed the photo album. "That's enough for now. We still have a lot of unpacking to do." She said while burying the photos in the bottom of one of the many boxes.
  "I wonder how many days it'll take to unpack all these. The thought of it makes me tired, but honestly when am I not." (Y/N) said. "Why don't you go explore the town while I unpack some of the boxes? It'll be a chance for you to make friends. Come on, you never do that, Mom." Amanda replied.
  "Maybe I did need to make some friends" (Y/N) thought.

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