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"What's it feel like?" Kyoya asked in a serious tone.

"Like someone, or something is watching me. Like A hawk. It's kind if creepy. Then when I turn around, no one's there." I explained to him and he nodded.

"I'll inform the black onion squad of the situation and they'll be on the look out. Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing."

I nodded. "This is why you're my favorite Kyoya, I'll make sure to pay you back!" I patted him on his head and bounced off towards the kitchen, where the twins were standing outside the doors, one on each side.

"Hey guys! I was thinking of making a cake! Wanna join me?" My hand made it's way to push open one of the doors when they grabbed me by my waist and grinned.

"Why don't we go shopping y/n?!" They dragged me away from the kitchen and out the music room doors. "Were going to go look at dresses for our darling Haruhi, why don't you come with us?"

I sighed. Everything for haruhi.. "Sure, sounds fun!" They grabbed my wrists and pulled me down the hall to the grand stairway, where two maids were standing.

"Good day Miss l/n, Mr. And Mr. Hittachiin." We nodded towards her and I stopped to exchange a few words as Tamaki rounded the corner, a big box in his hands.

I started to wave to him when the twins grabbed me and sped off, throwing me in their limo.

"Off to mother's store!!" They shouted happily and the driver nodded. He pulled out of the parking loop and onto the road in a few swift turns.

"I thought Haruhi didn't like dresses? Won't she be annoyed?" I asked, slightly confused, as well as agitated.

"Well yes, but we asked my mother to design some special for her, based on her requests. We gotta look at them today and thought you might wanna come along."

"Oh." I sighed. "So I'm just along for the ride?

"No, no, We thought you might lime to look around, maybe find a new dress?" It sounded as if they were hinting at something but I brushed it off.

"I suppose I could use a new dress." I hadn't bought one since last week, in America. Kyoya and his father had a business trip and I went along with them.

"Yayyy! Y/n's new dress! Y/n's new dress!" They chanted over and over again happily.

I shook my head and looked out the window.

Tommorow is my birthday. I reminded them all of it last week, it it seems they just disregarded it. Well other than Kyoya. He brought me flowers and a new puppy that he named Kyarameru. My parents got me a new limo and driver, the maids all chipped in the buy me a new rose garden out back of the mansion and Yoshio got me a new private jet to match Kyoya's.

"Y/n, is there anything wrong?" They asked, completly unobservant. Completely unaware.

"No, I'm fine guys. Just so ready to look for a dress!" I falsely cheered and smiled at them.

"That's our Y/n!" They smiled as we pulled up. "Now let's go lovey!"

I nodded as they ripped me from the car. "Lets go~!" I grinned and ran towards the door. Two women were standing outside.

"Miss L/n! Come with us!" They shouted and pulled me from the twins. I watched as the twins veered off to probably find their mother.

"Um, Excuse me but what are you doing?" I asked the ladies as they pulled me into a large storage room.

"Our mistresses new line of clothing came out, and she wanted you to be the first to try it!" With that they spun me around go she me an array of mini dresses with large poofy skirts and no straps. All of the bodices were lace and corset like.

✔One-Shots |OHSHC| Kyoya OotoriWhere stories live. Discover now