▪Wedding Arrangements▪

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I banged my head on the table as Renge ran into the host club.

"Shit, ow." I cried out and she bounded over to me.

"Y/n! We have a problem!" She shouted and I sighed.

"What is it now Renge? The bathtub not sparkly enough for you?" Even though Im one of the 'rich snobs' I don't throw my money around like some sort of brat.

She wove the comment away. "No. My father is coming. And he expects me to be in a relationship with Kyoya!!"

I stared at her with a deadpan look on my face. "Really. That's what's so important?"

She nodded vigorously. "It's a huge problem!! He says that if I'm not, He's taking away my Uki Doki Memorial figurines!!" She pushed he fingers together, and mumbled under her breath. "And, uh, He's cutting my back account off."

"Which Bank Account?" I asked, quite unamused.

"The one connected to the host club!! That means... I can't come here anymore..."

I inwardly cheered.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." I stood up.

She jumped up and down on her tip toes. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

I nodded and walked off, leaving her alone at the table.

Kyoya was sitting at a table with Tamaki and Haruhi. "Guys, Have to talk to Kyoya. It's 'Important'." I made finger Quotations around important.

He looked up at me and gave a quick smirk. "What does the beast want now?"

I smacked him upside the head and sat down. "Renge just told me that her father is coming to see her, and that if she isn't in a relationship with a certain someone in the host club, He's taking away her Uki doki Memorial memorobelia and cut off her host club bank account.

"Wait, So that means. No more money?" Kyoya asked, slightly taken aback.

"Yeah. Now Personally, I'd love to see her gone, but for the sake of the club I'm trying my best to keep her here."

Tamaki shot up. "Operation daddy's home! It's the perfect time to use it!"

Haruhi stared. "Daddy's home? Tamaki, What were you going to use this plan for originally?"

"Hehe, uh.. Nothing?" He flipped his hair back. "Anyways, Here's how it goes."

He quickly explained his elaborate plan to us, before bounding off to get the rest of the members.

I sighed and dragged Kyoya over to Renge. "Quick, Get Acquainted with one another. You have three hours."

Kyoya looked at me with a face of regret and I shrugged. "Good luck. Mommy." I whispered in his ear.

I bound off towards the others. They were standing in a corner, conversing.

Takashi was sitting with Mitskuni on his lap, Haruhi and Tamaki were bickering and the twins were sleeping.

"Guys, I don't like this." I leaned over the couch and spoke.

They all turned to me. "What?" They spoke in a creepy unison.

"I don't like this."

"Aww is Y/n Jealous?" The twins were standing behind me.

"No, I just don't think Kyoya wants to do this. We have the money to keep the club running, so why can't we make her leave?"

"Well.." Tamaki tapped his chin.

"I don't think Kyoya wants this either, but he wants the money. He has something special planned for next week that isn't supposed to be spoiled." Hikaru spoke up.

✔One-Shots |OHSHC| Kyoya Ootoriحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن