▪Wedding Arrangements▪

Start from the beginning

Kaoru nodded. "Oh yeah! That's right! I totally forgot about that!"

I rose an eyebrow. "Special?" I questioned. "For the ladies?"

"Well, For a..." Hikaru winced as Tamaki kicked him in the side. "For the ladies. Yes."

I nodded but stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't listen to those rotten twins. They're just messing with you. Daddy, a talk please?"

Kyoya's POV:

Tamaki stood up and flunked over to a nearby table.

"Whatever Y/n tries to do, don't let her get in the way of me and Renge. For this plan to work and next week to go smoothly, I need her out of this."

Tamaki nodded. "Okay Mommy! Operation cat in the bag is also a go!!"

Kyoya sighed, shook his head, his raven hair shaking a bit. He licked his lips and walked back over to the group, notebook clenched in one hand and his other playing with the bottom of his jacket.

"Kyoya! We got everyone informed! Are you ready?" Y/n shouted and he felt his stomach turn. Her energy alone was enough to make him smile, but he hid it so easily.

"Is that right? Well, I guess we best get to work." He smiled and watched her lips curve up into a lopsided grin.

Your POV:

I nodded and turned around, giving a quick cry of happiness. "Oh Renge~! When's your father coming?" I bounced over to her happily.

"Oh, He should be here at any time. I guess we should probably act like a couple all the time, Right Kyoya?"

I looked behind me to see him stand over me. He gave a fake smile, and I could see the pain in giving it. "I suppose that's right, now isn't it?"

(Quick authors note: This is gonna go on for a while, so grab a cookie or something and enjoy!)

She nodded and grabbed his arm, wrapping hers around his and snaking her hand towards his palm.

I saw him cringe and stifled an laugh. "Good Luck with that!"

"Y/n!" He cried and I waved him off. Range bounced off, Kyoya still wrapped up by her arms.

I laughed and quietly snuck out of the room. I could hear Renge talking loudly about how she wanted Kyoya to get her a new maid. Shaking my head, I started off for some class I knew I had, but never ever went to.

Other hosts POV:

"You think Y/n Is Jealous?" Hani asked and looked up at Takashi. Takashi only shrugged.

"Yeah boss! She doesn't seem as energetic as normal. Usually she's off the walls but today she was just kinda... Eh.. Yknow?" Hikaru sat, playing a video game.

Tamaki nodded his head, his blond hear shifting a bit. "She does seem kind of off..." He shrugged. "This is what Kyoya wants, and this is what he gets, No matter what."

The other hosts nodded.

"But couldn't we do something to make her happy?" Haruhi asked quietly. "Like cookies or something?"

Tamaki threw his body towards Her. "That's a beautiful Idea My daughter!" He stopped. "But who's gonna make them? Only you can cook..."

Haruhi sighed. "I have things to do every day after school until midnight." She shrugged. "Well, let's just see how this plays out."

They all looked over at Kyoya who was sitting on the couch, Renge clinging to him like he's a life preserver.

Kyoya POV:

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