And So, They Slept

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Luckily, Loki seemed to somewhat break out of his pattern of solitude after Sigyn's visit, however only to talk to her it seemed. She found that sometimes she would wander towards his chambers, knock on his door and hear the reply of 'I'll be there in but a moment' simply because she was bored, and to his word, not a moment later the door would open and there would be Loki, in one robe or another, usually in green, with some book under his arm.

They would lay on her bed and talk for hours about anything but politics, either their mothers, or perhaps Loki's father, or her lack of siblings and how he envied her slightly for it. One day they simply spent hours talking of music the remembered from their childhoods. These little moments Sigyn came to appreciate, as they offered a simple break from the everyday bustle and allowed her to simply relax on her bed and talk. She did do such things with Amora, but she simply wanted to talk of the lords and ladies of the courts and which ones were more likely to die first in an attack. Whilst entertaining, it wore thin somewhat quickly.

One night, they were both in her room, Sigyn spread rather widely at the end of her bed and Loki with his forehead against the end, leaving them close together but not enough to cause discomfort between the two. Sigyn had an arm draped down the side which would occasionally brush Loki's shoulder, should she shift, and one laid across her waist nonchalantly. At some points, she would look down on Loki and meet his eyes with hers as they spoke, him looking somewhat like a hound puppy, and Sigyn lavishly reclined upon her bed. Overall the entire scene gave off the air of a renaissance painting.

They had begun to play a game in which one of them told as many truths as possible, and one lie, and Sigyn found herself to be exceptionally good, and Loki, somehow, exceptionally horrid. So far he had guessed that she truly didn't have a birthmark on her right shoulder in the shape of a star, he thought she truly had never had a pet and thought she had a distant father. All in all he had almost given up completely.

"Go on, its your turn." Sigyn was sleepy, and playfully nudged Loki's shoulder with her pinky finger in a somewhat graceful, somewhat lazy fashion.

"No, I seem to always lose." Sigyn laughed and shifted so that she could look upon him better.

"Its not of loosing or winning, its to better know each other silly." Loki snorted a little. Overall he was doing better than when he first arrived. True to her word, Sigyn had the curtains installed and now they only ever had to truly replace a fruit bowl. His cheeks were less sallow and his shoulders stuck out less, somewhat rounding out, with the occasional bone which caught her attention.

"Alright," he looked up at the ceiling, searching for something to say, before he found himself giving a sad smile, "Alright, I've never disrupted an official palace ceremony on purpose, I'm Odin's son, and I have never turned into an otter." He turned to look at her, noticing the small crinkle between her eyebrows which loved to appear when she was trying to concentrate.

Sigyn herself felt her heart hammering in her ribs, and was trying her hardest to seem somewhat impassive and confused, however she felt Odin's words returning to her like water flooding through a dry riverbed, drowning out anything else that may have rested there. "I ask for the sake of my son," not Thor, but perhaps her new friend whom she had taken in on a whim of pity. Discarding all these thoughts, she returned to the present, curious and interested as ever.

She brought her finger to her lips in a false manner of thinking. Overall she tried to be as falsely dramatic as possible, not to trick Loki but to lighten the impending revelation of either who his parents were, or who they weren't.

"Your father... isn't Odin?" She was somewhat apprehensive, waiting impatiently for the answer.

Loki gave her a half smile, before turning to face the wall.

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