And for that, Loki loved her.

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As much as Sigyn wanted to stay in the throne room and iron out all of Thor's preconcieved prejudices, she felt that she'd rather lay in bed and let the god figure things out for himself. Loki had become increasingly emotional through the whole ordeal, with the ice that spread around them being the giveaway, and despite having Sigyn's calming hand intertwined with his, he still had felt panic rise through his throat. Gods he dreaded letting go of her hand, not for him, but for the effect it would have on her.

As soon as he felt her begining to calm him, he had wanted nothing more than to pull away for her sake, and yet as she had said, his body wanted nothing more than to hold her till Ragnarok. And so his hand remained, and the more he held, the more he feared for her when he let go.

So when she finally excused herself, leaving the god of thunder fuming and confused, he dutifully followed until they got to their room. When the doors shut he engulfed her into a cold embrace, wrapping his arms around her neck and bringing her as close to him as he possibly could.

His cheek was rested gently on her forehead, whilst her arms wrapped around his back and accepted the gesture. She sighed into his chest, simply enjoying the cool radiating off his body after such a heated argument.

She didn't want to let go, but she knew that at one point it would all come crashing down on her, all of Loki's emotions, and it was always better to get something over with quickly.


He hummed in response.

"Loki, you need to let go now." He froze. Of course he knew exactly what would happen to her, he knew exactly how bad the reaction would be. And knowing such things, seeing how badly they affected him despite her touch, he was terrified of what it would do to Sigyn.

He shook his head and buried it deeper into her shoulder, desperate not to let her hurt in any way.

"Loki, the longer you hold me the more intense the after effect is going to be." He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her, carrying her to the bed and setting her down gently, without taking his hand off of hers. All the while she simply accepted his action, rather than fight against it. Loki then laid beside her and curled his body around her, almost refusing to accept that she truly had to let go at some point.

"Loki." He buried his head in her shoulder, wanting nothing more to simply lay there forever, rather than let her feel his emotions.

Sigyn slowly untangled the pair of arms around her waist, before sitting up, Loki's hand still on hers, and sliding genlty off the bed. She looked at him, still curled in the same position but refusing to meet her eyes.

"Loki I have to let go eventually." Though tight jawed, he nodded in acknowledgment.

"I'm sorry." She smiled, quickly leaning in and giving him a chaste kiss before pulling back, only holding him by the fingertips.

"Love, it's not a crime to feel." She said, letting her fingers slip a little more. eventually, their fingers were barely touching at all, with nothing but a couple of cells desperately clinging to each other and trying to keep Sigyn from feeling what she was about to feel. Loki wished he could have simply stayed in bed that day rather than have her comfort, but oh well, wishing didn't exactly help now.

Her fingers left his.

For a moment they both froze, Loki unsure if it had hit her yet or she was simply paralyzed, and Sigyn waiting with bated breath for the wave which would hit her with full force. Knowing her, it would probably last an hour at most before the effects wore off.

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