Chuck is a good show, watch it

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AN: so anyway, do any of y'all remember the tv show chuck, starring Zachery Levi? Y'all remember sarah and her... amnesia?

Sigyn spent the next few days in her room, pacing around and almost wearing a hole in the floor. Of course she wanted to go outside and actually do something instead of sitting in a confined space all day, however the prospect of facing Odin made the sparks begin to roll off of her again, and she knew if she should get too riled up there would be consequences which couldn't begin to be imagined.

Of course, Sigyn did go to breakfast and sometimes dinner, however the urge to punch her guest sometimes became too much to bear, as shown by the immense indentations in the wall where she had lost her temper, and so, rather than start a war, Sigyn opted to remain in her room.

Loki preferred to go to the library, enjoying being surrounded by books and researching. It felt weird that he was literally studying her whilst she remained holed up in one room, yet somehow she didn't have the mind to care. Thankfully, their bond held fast and any time that things were becoming too much to Sigyn, Loki would be there in a heartbeat.

Perhaps it was the weather getting hotter and hotter every day, or perhaps it was simply the fact that Sigyn couldn't stand being cooped up anymore, whatever it was, it drove her to open her chamber's doors and go outside.

She made her way through the halls, thinking about the current situation and how exactly she could diffuse it. Of course, Odin was probably aware now that she possibly was an infinity stone, meaning that she had to watch both her temper and her back, yet as she stepped out into the sunlight, she found herself relaxing and a smile gracing her features. As much as she loved Loki, being indoors for that amount of time was killing her.

Sigyn stretched, allowing the gentle breeze wash over her, before she set out to the stables where Myrkr was no doubt still waiting for her. Sigyn strolled, rather than strode, trying her best to enjoy the peace and quiet of the less intense sun, which would no doubt wash them in warmth and humidity when summer finally hit.

She walked into the stalls, going straight for her prized stallion, whom when she approached began whining for the sugar cubes in the riding cupboard.

"Alright you big baby." Sigyn smiled and stroked his snout affectionately.

She felt a small tug in the pit of her stomach, no doubt Loki checking in, before she sent a wave of reassurance his way and smiled when she felt the tug lessen. She walked over to the cupboard and instead of drawing out the reins and saddle, only brought out the sugar cubes.

"How about a bareback ride today." Myrkr whinnied in agreement.

After getting him out of the stables, she guided him to the courtyard where she found the mounting stool and swung onto her steed. She felt his muscles tense slightly under her before relaxing into the familiar sensation, then tense again as he began to walk to the doors of the courtyard.

Instead of urging Myrkr into a gallop as she so often did, Sigyn took a moment to enjoy the cool of the forest they had entered, and the sounds which surrounded her as she went deeper. Finally, she got slightly restless and nudged him into a canter.

The reassuring pattern of his hooves hitting the ground lulled Sigyn into a temporary calm, where she could simply enjoy the wind rushing through her hair once more and not worry about what was happening in both the palace and around her.

This was interrupted by the sound of another set of hooves.

Instantly, panic stricken Sigyn as she heard an unknown horse whinnying behind her, making her desperately want to urge Myrkr forwards. Clearly her horse could feel her insecurities as he began to gallop, trying his hardest to get out of Sigyn's undesirable situation.

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