Taehyung "ready"

"you grab me like that again and ill ditch you so fast" I said getting out of his grip

Taehyung laughed "okay fine lets go"

He grabbed his keys and we went to the garage.

"m m baby boy."

Tae "what now?"

I walked over and took his keys. "if imma be riding on in this fancy ass tesla, better bet imma drive it"

Tae "what no" he whined but I was already in the driver's seat

He reluctantly goes in on the passenger side.

Tae "baby boy... ha I like it" he whispered

"don't get any ideas" I smirked

Tae "what I- uh. Where are we going?" he changed the subject how cute.

"first, I have to go to school and grab my work, then I need to grab my computers and some shit from my place, next I have a lunch appointment Which, by the way, you can not be seen by them, and finally I need to do a home visit for a client."
He nodded and I drove off
Going by the school was quick. I just asked for the work for the rest of the week and left. Tae being the nosey prick he is walked in with me.

Everyone practically drooled over him. The straight males were pissed off. I thought it was kind of funny.

After that I had to go get shit from my house. I packed a small bag of clothes, knowing I will probably be wearing the guys clothes most of the time anyways. I grabbed my three computers, burner phones, regular work phones and my written documents and finally my ointment for my scars.

"okay we've got about an hour and a half to kill before my lunch appointment. What do you want to do?"

Tae "I don't know" he raised his eyebrow. "we could"

"if its dirty I don't want to hear it"

He pouted

"I you think that's going to change my mind you're greatly mistaken."

Tae's phone started to ring

Tae "oh no we're in trouble" his face scrunched up

I looked at his phone 'Jungkook'

"answer it and put it on speaker

Tae "why?" He whined


Tae "awe first baby boy and now tae how cute" he smirked

I gave him a death glare causing him to answer the call quickly.he did as I asked and put the call on speaker.

Tae "hello?"

Jungkook "taehyung where the fuck are you? Are you with y/n? I can't find her"

Tae looked at me to ask permission to say he was with me. I nodded in response

Tae "yeah she's with me. Don't be so nervous she's just fine."

Jungkook "what the fuck are you two doing together" he sounded really angry.

Tae "she tried leaving alone this morning and I told her that she couldn't go out alone, so she just told me to tag along with her"

Jungkook "where are you guys ill meet up with you"

"sorry love you weren't invited. Tae can protect me just fine have a good rest of your day," I interjected

Jungkook "wait y/nn ple-"

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