coronation day

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Merliah POV
So to day it the day, it is coronation day I am so happy, my parents accepted my offer I will become Queen and today is the day the Vk's formally become good all we need this Mal to prove she is good, but I was thinking about if what if the is plan fails and Maleficent comes to Auradon we need a plan to get rid of them without other people knowing I don't want to tell the guys about what I am doing, but I read in a book that in the Enchanted Lake there is a rock that grants you any wish so I am going down there to find it.
The Enchanted Lake is so beautiful the water is so crystal clear so right now I am standing on the rocks with my feet in the water slowly walking in, the water is up to my knees I am so nervous and I rush into the water diving in and I swim around looking for this rock I know it is white, it has a sort if glow to it and it is spiky my hair is in my face I am searching everywhere but with no luck I swim around this rock mountain I see something, the white rocks I see the spikes and I swim down to them I am slowly losing oxygen but I need to keep pushing, and right in front of my eyes and I pick three up just in case and I push off the ground and swim up to the top and take a huge gasp. And I swim out of the water, to find my towel and dry my hair before it gets all muddy and I change into dry close and go back to my dorm before Evie gets there.
So right now Evie, Miranda and myself along with Pascal are taking about the plan making sure we know our parts I see the boys are coming this way and Evie explains the plan one more time then we go are separates ways the soon to be former vk's are waiting be the balcony and Miranda told me her mother would like for me to sit with her, I was really happy because Miranda and her mum are like my second family, and my parents came to sit with us also knowing how close I am to Miranda, so the coronation started I hear the music starting I see Ben walking up the isle as people bowed down to him, he walks past me to smile at me as I bow. He keeps walking till he stands near Mal and gives her a warm smile then keeps walking up to were his parents and fairy godmother stand and kneels before them, fairy godmother grabs the kings crown from his head and places it on Ben's head, then walks over to wand and takes off the jar that is protecting it and grabs her wand. I look up to the balcony to the see the vk's smiles but they smiles do not reach they eyes so I give them an encouraging smile and they give me a smile that reaches they eyes. I look back over to Fairy godmother as she looks at Ben " do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you reign" she asks Ben and Ben smiles and slowly look in my direction and turns back to Fairy godmother " I do solemnly swear " he said with complete honesty and fairy godmother smiles " then it is my honour and my joy to bless the new king" she tells him as she raises the wand in the air and I see Mal take a step closer to grab it but the whole crowd gasps as a hand grabs the wand and rips it out of fairy godmother hand and the hand was not Mal's it was Jane's.
" Child, what are you doing" fairy godmother asks her daughter who was swinging the wand around trying to get its magic under control, when the wand starts to spark Ben runs over to Mal protectively and my parents stand in front of me protectively as well as Miranda and her mom.
" if you won't make me beautiful I'll do I'd myself. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo" Jane shouts and the wand shoots out a pulse of magic into the ceiling. I then see Mal running knowing that she is going to take the wand and free her mother and grab one of the three wish rocks and hold it in my hand, in the corner if my I see Evie, jay and Carlos running towards me and I smile knowing what they have chosen good " careful Mal" Belle shouts to her " Mal give me the wand" Ben asked her carefully and walks towards and she points the wand at him and shouts " stand back Ben " and he does when he sees the wand pointing at him and now I know it is our turn to talk so I look at her " Mal " she turns to face me and she smiles when she sees her friends behind me " Mal you don't have to do this trust me okay" she looks at me " I have to our parents" she looks at Evie " Evie your mom you have to do this for her and me your my beat friend" she turns to all her friends "we have to do this our parent we have to make them proud" she tells them Evie is the first to talk
" Mal we are friends but we are happy here, you can be happy here do. You don't have to do this okay. Our mom is not here, we can be happy here don't you want to be happy here, Mal." Mal looked at Evie with a furious look the she laughed and looked at all three of us  "your mad all of you are mad we have to so this for our parents" and I looked at her and thought about what we could do then I remember the wishing rocks so I grabbed all three and I walked up to Mal slowly she brought the wand up to me I put my hands up in signalling surrender then I grabbed the rock hoping what I am about to do will work " I wish for mal to tell the truth about being here in Auradon " I shouted and pointed it at mal but all she did was laugh and then the rock started to glow and mal stopped laughing and look around the room her eyes stop on one person Audrey " I want to stay in Auradon, I don't want to live in the shodow of my mom, I want to be happy in Auradon and I want to me happy with you Audrey. The moment I meet you my world stopped, I forgot about everything, about my mother and about the plan to steal the wand. I love you Audrey, I want to be happy but I don't know if I deserve happiness" when she finished talking Audrey looked shocked I was happy along with Evie, Jay and Carlos Mal looks sad and scared but that all chances when Audrey runs up to Mal and grabs her cheeks and kisses her, the whole crowd cheer but Evie, Jay, Carlos and myself are the loudest and out of now where a green smoke coming though the ceiling and the smoke revealed Maleficent everyone gasps Mal grabs Audrey and Ben's parents grab him " give me the wand Mal" Maleficent tells her daughter mal walks over to her but throws it to fairy godmother " Bibbidi-bobbidi" but she could never finish as Maleficent does and freezes everyone but me, Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos look at everyone " Psych. Ooh, ooh, in another time, in another time" maleficent said as she looks up and down Kind Adam while biting her bottom lip. " Evil like me don't you wanna be mean " she sing and looked at all of us and her eyes end on me and she walks over to me " you, your mother is not happy with you she told be to being you home, but she ever told me to being you home alive." And with that she blasted me with fairy godmothers wand and it stands out a magic pulse and all my friends shout her to stop and then I feel a huge pain of something and then darkness utter darkness, and I feel my world close and I try to hold onto my last breathe but I can't so with my last breathe " I love you Ben" and then darkness.

3rd person point of view
Merliah friends watch as she takes her last breathe of air and then Mal looks at her mother with complete hatred " and now I command wand to my hand" mal said as the wand was ripped out of Maleficents hand to Mal's, Maleficent yells at mal to give her back the wand but fails so she turns to a dragon and starts attacking all the vk's Maleficent goes to attack mal back was stopped by her, " leave my friends alone mother this is between you and me mother. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one." Mal's shouts at her mother and now mother and daughter and in a stand off both eyes are glowing until Maleficent disappears into smoke only to relieve a tiny little lizard. Fairy godmother unfreezes a d rushes over to them " what happened do you do this" Carlos asks mal who shrugs her shoulders nor knowing what happened " no you mother did this she shuck to the size of love in her heart that is why is is so small" and mal grabs the wand and passes it to fairy godmother " I believe this is yours" and fairy godmother grabs the wand and takes off the ring  and looks at it " and I believe this belongs to Ben" and with that she unfreezes everyone and Audrey runs over to Mal asking if she was alright and then Evie remembers and shouts " Merliah" and all the vk's look at her and over to Merliah as well as Ben and his parents and Miranda and her parents and along with Merliah's parents. Fairy godmother moves everyone out of the way a d does a spell but is replaced with a sad frown and looks at everyone " I'm sorry but I don't know what happed" Rapunzel and Flynn hug each other with tears in they eyes. Ben gets on his knees and puts Merliah's head on his lap and gives her a kiss on her lips as tears roll down his cheeks.
But no ones is that Merliah is not dead but is in a deep sleep because of her love for Ben is keeping her alive. Because of true love only Ben can wake her with true loves kiss, a magic more powerful than anything in the world. And she does and huge gasp is heard everyone turns they head to Merliah as she wake up looking Ben in the eyes " Ben I love you " and he hugs her and her parents run over to run and give them both hugs.
After everyone is done giving her hugs and then jay being jay starts a party.

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