my decision

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Merliah POV
Right now Evie, jay, Carlos, Miranda and I are talking about the plan before they have to go to mal, Pascal is spending the day with my mother to catch up. So the plan is too convince Mal that they are on her side but walk over to me and try to convince her that she does not have to live in her mothers shadow. So after we have discuss the plan and we have agreed on what we have to do Evie, Jay and Carlos leave to go to Mal and make sure she is not suspecting anything then Evie is coming back to get ready with Miranda and I are taking about how my mother who wants me too take over the kingdom of  Corona. "If I am being honest I am so scared to take over, like what if I suck at being Queen, what if I can't do it." I told her she grabs my hand and gives my a sympathetic smile than an idea comes to my head so I grab her hand and rip her of the bed and run over to the door only to see Evie on the other side so I grab her hand to and we run down the halls Miranda and Evie yelling at me to "stop" or "what is going on" I run down to king beast and queen Belle office knowing my mother and fairy godmother would be there discussing my becoming Queen, so I slam the door open to cause King Beast, Queen Belle, fairy godmother and my parents to jump in shock they all stare at me with wide eyes, a cough making sure my voice is good I turn to look at Evie and Miranda signaling them to walk over to them, they do " please everyone sit down I have someone to discuss " they all look at each other then they slowly sit " so we all know that my parents want me to become Queen," they all look confused in what I am getting at " well I don't want to be Queen " my mother looks like she is going to talk but I stop her
" I personally believe that if I am Queen I meant not be so good at it by myself, so I have decided to instead of Queening by myself to create a table of myself and others to help me rule three or four people to help my rule, but I would still be Queen. I just thought that if I am to rule and do my schooling that having less stress and more help that separates that work, would be best, I have already chosen the four other people." I told them confidently when I look around the room my eyes stop on my parents and " mother, father I do believe that having this table of five that the kingdom and myself would both benefit from this choice. I believe that if I have this table that I could also keep up with schooling, we would also meet up twice a month to make sure everything in the kingdom is good and if there is anything we should fix or do." With that I am now looking at everyone than I take a breathe " please, I know I and the other four can do this" they all look at each other than my parents both nod they heads yes my father spoke up
" so the other four who are they" I nod my head " I have come to an conclusion that the four that is believe would make a excellent role in the kingdom are Miranda, Evie, Lonnie and Jane. I have chosen these guys because they all possess different and great qualities that the Kingdom needs" I again say confidently fairy godmother looks shocked " my Jane, my daughter Jane" I nod my head yes " yes because she has amazing qualities, she is amazing friend, and I know she would be amazing member of this table" I turn my head to my parents " mom and dad I can do this the people I have chosen would come in handy please let me do this, I still we me Queen and I still would have the crown and all that jazz but this table would help me. Please let me do this" they look at each other that they stand and come over to me and give me a hug and they both say "yes, but you have to ask the others" I nod my head and thank them all and I look st Evie and Miranda " so what is your decision, would you be honored to be a part of the round table of five" the jump up from the couch and say yes and run over to me, and we start to discuss but a cough stops us from continuing we all look at fairy godmother " girls coronation is happening soon should you guys be getting ready" and Evie squeals and grabs our hands and pushes us out of the room to get us ready for coronation, so right now Evie is putting on our make up we are discussing our plans while Miranda went to go get Lonnie and Jane to my dorm. We they get here they are all dressed and have they make up on once Evie has done mine we all sit down I know king beast and queen belle as well as Fairy godmother spoke to them about my round table of five "so I know that king beast and queen belle as well s your mother Jane that you guys know about my round table of five so what is you decision, I know you might not want to, but I assure you that you both would make a get edition to the table so please considered it" both girls look at each other as do I with the other girls and I turn my attention to the girls and they both have huge smiles on they faces so I jump up and give them huge hugs telling them they want regret this. Once everyone leaves Evie has done both our make up as well as made sure our dresses are good so she leaves and my and Miranda take one more look at our sleeves and give each other one last hug then we go to coronation.

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