Making Friends

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Merliah POV
Right now i am about to fall asleep when a i hear a knock on my door I get up to see Evie she tells me we are going to get the wand are you coming I nod yes. And we run back to Mal, Jay and Carlos waiting for us, and we are of to the museum. We arrive to see a guard, Jay and Carlos see Maleficents spinning wheel and Mal does some spell that makes him fall asleep. We run in Mal tells us to split up I am in my own looking for the wand I turn a corner I see a painting of a man and woman who looks like me holding a baby. I read the name of the painting to see it belongs to Rapunzel and Flynn Rider and the babies name is Merliah which looks like me but she is dead I hear I loud siren go off and I quickly make a run for it looking at the painting one last time. We all go back to our dorms and I quickly fall asleep.
I'm waking up yo the sun in my eyes, I get up realizing I have class which I am very worried about because other than seeing my friends on the isle my mother always locks me in my room, away from people, I have never really learned nothing. So I get dressed and pack my bag and leave the room making sure pascal is with me. I walk down the hallway starting to think I am lost, I quickly turn the concern without realizing I walk into something and I fall on the ground feeling a huge amount of pain rush though me and the other person. I quickly say sorry so does the other person I gasp at it is Ben.
" Are you okay" he asks me I nod my head yes he asks me where I am going in a hurry I said I think I am lost going to goodness class. He offers to show me the way I gladly accept. He takes me to the class I walk in and quickly and sit down fairy godmother is asking us questions but I am not paying attention, because all I am thinking about is Ben and that painting. Soon class is over I run out to watch Jay and Carlos play the sports thing. So Jay, Carlos and I are walking to the oval and I see Ben coming towards us he is mainly looking at me which causes me to blush, he told Jay and Carlos go gear up but they look confused, so Ben takes them to gear up, I look around the oval and I see a tree so I am walking over there  and I sit down and start petting pascal out of no where someone falls out of the tree I jump scared I person comes saying ow she looks up and we see each she has red hair and is extremely curly she told me her name was Miranda and she is the daughter of Merida I say " hello I am Merliah nice to meet you, but why were you inna tree and why did you say ow a lot. "
" uh. Hello Merliah nice to meet you too I was in the tree because I like sitting in it and I said ow because I cut my hand." I took her hand to saw it was cut pretty deep so I wrap my hair around it she looks confused " okay please don't freak out " she looks really confused. And I start to sing.

( just imagine it isn't Flynn but a girl with red hair)
Once I am done she looks speechless. We start talking more about the isle my mom, my powers, her family, auradon and crushes which I was confused at because I didn't know what that was, she told me it is a thing you do to someone if you like them or love which again I was confused she told me love is your happiness something that always makes you smile and warm inside, when she said that I smiled and looked over to Ben she must of seen because she told me I like Ben over and over again, but she also promised never to till anyone, and that she likes Evie and I promised never to till anyone she told me we should be friends and that she does not have many friends I said okay you can hang out with me and my friends. I ask her if she can help me get into my locker and said yes and we walk over to it I see Mal there and when she sees me she rolls her eyes and walks away. I with the help from Miranda open my locker and I find out her locker is right next to my on my right. We get our books out and go to class I go to singing and she has maths. When I get to music I hear my name been called and I turn my head to Ben and I smile and walk over to him, and I sit down in the corner of my eye I see Ben starting at me and his eyes are traveling my upper body when his eyes meet my birthmark he looks really happy and in awe I make a mental note to find out why. Class is about to start when I look at Ben and say " Hey Ben can I ask you a question." He nods his head yes
" I read was reading a book and saw a picture of Rapunzel and Flynn and a baby but it said the baby died can I ask what happened. "
I tells me about how Rapunzel an Flynn were coming to Auradon for a visit when they ship went down and the baby was never found and he starts tilling me the date it happened "June" but I interpret "23rd" he looks at me I was about to ask if it is a possibility she could be alive when the teacher walks in the room and asks if would sing something so I slowly get up to sing.
When I am done the whole class as well as Ben and the teacher are looking at me in awe and they start cheering. I bow and take my seat. Soon class is over so if the school day so I and Miranda go back to our dorms to find we are neighbors. I go in and quickly fall asleep.

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