Shapeshifting and Disney

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Trigger Warnings: Nothing, really. Deceit makes a super brief appearance at the end, though (but it's nothing bad), Ask if you need anything tagged

It was a Saturday morning, Thomas had just watched The Little Mermaid and Roman was in awe.

"I wanna do that!" The little prince exclaimed as he pointed to the screen, eyes wide with something akin to wonder as he watched Ariel swim through the waters.

Logan looked to Roman, adjusting his glasses on his face. "That wouldn't be possible," He stated matter-of-factly "It's a cartoon, we're not a cartoon." Roman merely huffed in reply.

"Just watch me, Nerd." He crossed his arms and before the others could blink, the living room was the familiar garden, now equipped with a large lake. Roman sat down at the edge, trousers replaced with a pair of shorts as he dipped his legs into the water.

A look of determination crossed his face as he stared at them hard, willing them to change.

He didn't have to try for long, as next thing he knew, a red tail was in the place his legs had been. Roman let out a loud cheer as he slid his body into the water.

Patton, who had been watching everything giddily, cheered and jumped excitedly from his spot next to Logan. "Me next! Me next!" He stopped his bouncing to concentrate. A few seconds passed before translucent wings materialised on his back. Giving a happy laugh, he began to move them, squealing as his body began to leave its spot on the ground.

"You try, Anxiety!" He called to the darker-clad side who had been quietly observing, as though waiting for something to inevitably go wrong. His eyes widened behind his bangs as he vehemently shook his head. Patton clasped his hands together, giving his best puppy eyes to the youngest. "Please?" He begged, drawing the word out until the other sighed.

"Fine..." He muttered as he removed his thumb from his mouth, from where he had been biting on his nail. He huffed to himself, tuning out Patton's happy cheers. "Umm.." He racked his brain for something to change into, almost perking up at the thought that came to mind.

Before the others could insist he hurry up, a large dragon, bigger than Thomas' house, stood before them. Patton let out a yelp at the sudden change, Roman ducking under the water while Logan could only stare.

Just as quickly as Virgil had changed, he was back in his normal form, sitting on the ground. "It''s really high," He murmured when the others looked at him questioningly "I don't like heights."

When Patton, seeming satisfied that Virgil at least tried, turned to Logan, the other simply shook his head. Although there was somewhat of an awestruck look on his face.

"I need to record all of this! This is an amazing discovery about the true extent of our powers!" He simply said, seeming to be more excited than he had been in a long time.

Roman looked up from admiring his tail, the red scales glinting gold in the sun. He raised an eyebrow at Logan's refusal "You scared, Specs? C'mon! Even Maleficent over there tried it!" He motioned to Virgil with a nod of his head, the side in question glaring in return. Logan shook his head stubbornly, conjuring a notebook and pencil and seating himself on the ground, back against a tree.

The others decided to leave Logan to it and after only a few moments, were back to playing around. Roman seeing just how far the bottom of the lake really was and Patton flying after Virgil, who was trying to avoid being hit by the glittering dust that left the fluttering wings. If one looked closely enough, however, they would see the smile he was trying to suppress.

Logan scribbled down notes in his notebook, looking up every once in a while to observe the others some more.

A soft hissing sounded in the grass beside him. Logan didn't even look away from the others.

"Go away, Deceit."

If it wasn't obvious, here's the characters the Sides turned into!

Roman - Ariel (Little Mermaid)

Patton - Tinkerbell (Peter Pan)

Virgil - Dragon!Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)

Deceit - Kaa (Jungle Book) -It's only implied though-

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