The Cake Fic (Prinxiety)

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This oneshot is the quickest oneshot I've written for this fandom (by quick I mean like 30 minutes including me getting distracted lol) I think I wrote it as an apology for what I was currently working on lol. And yes the title is a Phan reference, one that's meant to be funny. cuz y'know... fics with fic in the title are usually dirty and mentally scarring but this is actually fluffy sooo it's a joke *finger guns* So yeah, enjoy, feedback is always appreciated 💕

Trigger warnings: Jay's awful attempts at fluff, ask if you want anything tagged

"It's just a cake, really, how hard could it be?" Prince remembered saying to Anxiety before they had begun. He was only trying to be optimistic, seeing as Anxiety wasn't very sure whether they would be any good or not.

Seems like for once, Anxiety was right. As much as Prince hated to admit, they were...not the best, so to speak. They really should just leave the baking to Morality.

The kitchen was a mess, flour and eggshells littered the counters, batter was splattered on one wall from the time Anxiety lost control of the mixer, there was a puddle of milk from when Prince dropped a carton of it. The kitchen was a mess, in simpler words. An utter mess.

"This...was a terrible idea," Prince announced, looking around the kitchen. This was going to take so long to clean up. Anxiety rolled his eyes before tilting the bowl of batter and pouring it into a cake tray.

"I told you so," He mumbled, eyebrows furrowing as he concentrated on not dropping the bowl.

Prince looked at him and reached out to him, placing a hand under his chin and tilting his head up. Anxiety raised an eyebrow questioningly at the other.

Prince leaned in slightly, silently looking at Anxiety through half lidded. He took a handkerchief and wiped the others cheek.

"You had cake batter right there," He told the other. Anxiety snorted and tossed a handful of flour at the other, getting him square in the face.

"Dork," He chuckled as the other coughed, the flour painting his face white.

"You monster! My outfit is ruined!" Prince cried out, seeing his reflection in the glass door.

Anxiety made a show of looking Prince up and down before deadpanning "I see no difference whatsoever."

Prince opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut when the two heard the front door start to open. They shared a brief glance, looked at the mess around them and bolted for their rooms.

They'll apologise to Morality for the mess later.

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