Chapter 3

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Y/n pov

I had to leave the palidins because Azura needed me for a mission. She wanted me to get into the Blade of Momora I was happy to due to recent news that Keith is now in the Blade of Momora.

I had no idea until the news in castle said he was Galra. I felt bad for him since Allura gave him the cold shoulder I had stayed with and kept him company to talk to. When she finally apologized I back off a little I to tell the truth think he is cute and they all so much fun to be around.

I was flying home to the base and I was finally here I landed and changed to human form Azura and Elias came to me. Azura spoke," You'll be going into the Blade of Momora to see if they are trustworthy then Voltron." I smiled," No need the palidins are good guys don't worry and Allura is there with Corran!"

They both had wide eyes then smiles Elias then said," Well no need to see if they are trustworthy correct Azura." She nodded," Correct Elias but I still want you to check The Blades out before we join them understood."

I smiled and nodded," Understood Azura!" I went to my room to rest first before I have to go to The Blade of Momora.


I just passed their test after a while I figured out what to do it was fun until the last part that wasn't fun it was sad I had a choice to stay with King Alfor and help or did what I did before and leave into the ship and pod. I choose to leave knowing that would be what he would want me to do and me as well.

I walked up to my Leader now Colvock he had Keith next to him. He spoke," For your last test I want you two defeat these six by yourselves I want to see if you work good as a team with someone you don't know.

I nodded and smiled," Understood sir!" I took hold of Keith's hand and pulled him in the arena not knowing my actions made him blush.

Keith pov

She replied to Colvock," Understood sir!" She must have had been in something like this before and trained she seemed to have a real feel on what to do even though she's new and why do I feel like I know her.

She suprised me when took hold of my hand pulling me into the area with her my cheeks warmed at the what she did. I quickly ignored this feeling growing inside me and focused on the six enemies.

Timeskip to after the arena match

She was standing next to me and Colvock in front of us he then said," I am putting you two on a team since you work very well together."

I was suprised I was not expecting that she was to she seemed as suprised then was happy she smiled," Thank you sir I gladly except your request! What about you Keith?"

I for so reason was really happy about this for some reason I nodded," Alright I'm fine with that Colvock." He turned and said," I have something for you both to do with the palidins of Voltron.

I was followed she seemed nervous I looked into e/c with the yellow behind them she also had h/l (in a pony tail if long) h/c she had s/c with a tint of purple added to it.

I then asked," Are you okay um." not knowing her name I paused. She then said," Keith my name is Y/n." I then asked again," Well are you okay Y/n?" She smiled," Yeah I'm fine don't worry Keith." I nodded but kept looking at her face. She is beautiful. Wait! What am I thinking I just met her didn't I?

I shook my head putting that to the back of my head to think about later. We finally made it to the the place where we contact Allura and everyone Y/N seemed even more nervous without thinking I secretly took hold of her hand.

Y/N seemed surprised about me taking. I started to release to give her space thinking I made a mistake when Y/N tightened her grip on my hand I looked over at her with my eyes to see she was now fine.

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