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Y/n pov
I sighed I had been sitting here for a while waiting for orders to do something or I could go exploring maybe train. Yeah that sounds fun let's if I can beat my old score. I had left to go to the training room with my two blades one at each side when Azura came to me she is a Altean with white long hair and very agua put with dark blue eyes.

She then said," Y/n Allura would like for us to come." I smiled," Alright right then let's not keep "her highness" waiting." quietly giggling she then lead the way to Allura.


We stopped in a few steps front of Allura. I asked," Is there something wrong Allura?" Then our three other friends came in one was the half Gulra half Altean with purple eyes with white hair a current amount of the bottom of that hair purple Rieko the was a Luukea she had long pink hair with sunset colored eyes also robot like body that can turn her arms into guns and swords while her feet can turn into rockets as far as I know Miyu, and last one Elias with short white hair black eyes he is a Altean. She shook her head," No I was just wondering if we could have fun for a while together.

Timeskip to after having fun

We all were laughing about the prank we did on Allura's father where we a gift box inside was a device with a complaor ( your species pies) and when he opened it he set it off and it splatted in his face in reaction look though.

We couldn't stop laughing about it then Allura's younger brother by a day and the guy Allura has a crush on Subaru he is half Altean and half Leperda ( like leapords but have a body structure that makes them able to walk on two feet and have hands).

Subaru looks Altean except he has Leperda parts of him where he has some fur on his body that shows his fur prints, has Leperda emerald eyes (cat or leopard eyes), retract and bring out claws, his Leperda ears are more pointed than their ears ( looks like leopard ears), and has sharper and tougher teeth than normal Alteans.

He looked at Allura," Allura did you guys prank your poor king again?" We tryed to keep it in but we couldn't and we giggled Allura's brother Genji and Subaru sighed which means they found out.

We smiled Genji almost looked exactly like his father except his eyes were like Allura's and he had no beard at all. We all started walking and talking about things.

Timeskip to a while Zarkon attacked Altea

King Alfor had knocked out Allura and Coran went with her on her ship castle I think is what they call it. I wanted to go with her but "his majesty" refused and said that his son and Subaru went in the same thing as well but smaller. Then he said before I could say anything," The rest of you will go on another ship with other Alteans inside and ourselves to protect.

We nodded and departed to get there as quickly as possible.


King Alfor was fighting Zarkon I wanted to fight with him but I held back and reminded me what he wanted us to do. I hesitated but, slowly began to follow suit.

We got inside to see some adults,children, and babies we also had lots of weapons plus all of the must needs on the ship. Everyone had gotten in first I decided to see what would happen so I would know and I watched Altea explode I felt anger to the Gulra but not very. Why because this wasn't my birth home but it was my home.

Zarkon will pay for destroying Altea but not today, 'Live to fight another day'. I sighed upset and angery but left the ship to go where we were support to got in to the pod and closed my eyes then went to sleep.

Me: Hey friends! I will write chapter 1 soon don't worry.

Me: (Sigh) Well I don't have anything else to say so... Bye bye friends!

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