Coming Out

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*ring ring*


"Hello this is Kim Taehyung's mother and we would like to invited you and your family over to dinner tonight.

"Oh really thank you very much." 

"No problem, be here at 6."

"We sure will. Bye."


Jimin's mom was so excited to finally have a meal with their neighbor and she couldn't wait to tell Jimin about it. Jimin was heading down stairs to grab a glass of water, but suddenly his mom jumped out in front of him. 

"Jimin guess what!?" His mom exclaimed.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"We're having dinner at Mrs. Kim's house at 6 tonight." His mom answered.

"Oh, cool." Jimin said calmly though inside he was feeling nervous yet excited.

"Make sure you look nice okay?" His mom winked.

"Will do." Jimin smiled.

Jimin walked up the stairs into his room searching for clothing that looked nice. He found some black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, a black leather jacket,a pair of black Vans, and a black cap He sat down and scrolled through his phone looking to see if Taehyung texted him.

From: Taehyung

Are you sure about this?

To: Taehyung 

I mean what could go wrong?

Jimin waited a moment until he heard *ding*

From: Taehyung 

I mean well our parents might yell at us or even never let us see each other again.

To: Taehyung

It's fine I'm sure they'll accept us. Now let's stop worrying cos I have to come over now, so cya.

From: Taehyung


Jimin pulled up his pants zipped them then, pulled his black t-shirt over his head, putting his jacket on then shoes, and lastly topping it off with his back cap. Now he was ready to head out to Taehyung's place. He walked down the stairs meeting up with his mom who was wearing a tight dress along with some black shoes. 

"Let's go Jimin." His mom said.

Jimin nodded and opened the door for he like a gentlemen. They walked over to Taehyung's house and rang the door bell. *ding dong* There was no answer, Jimin tried opening the door, but it was locked. *ding dong* There was no one again.

"Did they play a prank on us or something!" His mom said angrily.

Suddenly the door swung open and there stood shirtless Taehyung who looked like he just got out of the showers.

"Sorry." Taehyung bowed.

"It's fine. Now go get dressed." Jimin said as he walked into Taehyung's house.

Taehyung's mom, Mrs. Kim, walked out from the kitchen which had loud music playing. 

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry that you had to wait outside in the cold weather. I was just making some dinner." Mrs. Kim explained.

Taehyung peered into the kitchen, " Mom you should turn it down a bit."

"Hush child, now go get dressed." Mrs. Kim shooed.

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