Shawn turned back to Katy. They locked eyes for just a second before walking away together, her holding his arm. The rest of the family remained in the window, waving to them as they left.

Driving, flying and finally walking, all with Katy at his side. This being married business was turning out to be rather lovely. Though it had only been four days, so maybe Shawn was jumping the gun here. All sorts of things could still go wrong. On the honeymoon they had room service, and who wouldn't love him ten minutes away from the beach? But out in the world there were domestic arguments to be had, and nothing but concrete within walking distance.

"Don't be stupid," Katy told him playfully. "Plenty of people wouldn't love you, even with room service ten minutes from a beach."

"Are you calling me unlovable?" Shawn asked, pulling her closer.

"No," she replied, softly with a smile. "I'm saying the beach and room service has nothing to do with it."

"Is that so?" Shawn smiled back.

"Yeah," Katy whispered. Gently stroking her cheek with his thumb, Shawn leaned in and kissed her. It was an activity he felt he'd never grow tired of, kissing his wife. There was another married activity that he rather enjoyed, and it seemed her thoughts were headed there as well. Katy moved from light kissing to passionate making out as she moved to straddle him, making him fall back against the sand. His arms around her, Shawn kissed his wife like he hadn't a care who was watching, which was a good thing seeing as they were making out on a public beach. As Shawn kissed the bare skin above her low cut bathing suit top, he could think only of how beautiful she was.

"I love you," Shawn whispered, stroking her face.

"Love you too," Katy replied. "And I think we should probably take this inside." The way she was grinning at him said it all. Scooping her up into his arms the way he had their first night here, Shawn carried his wife off to their hotel suit.

Every day since they'd arrived here had been a perfect one, and Shawn didn't want it to end. Though he was excited to begin his life with his new family, he would miss being alone in paradise with Katy.

"Do you think Maya will still remember us?" Shawn laughed, as they ate dinner together in the hotel restaurant towards the end of their trip.

"Shawn," Katy scoffed. "We haven't been gone that long."

"When you reply like that you ruin my joke," Shawn said seriously.

"Always happy to help," Katy grinned at him. As they ate, they talked more of Maya, wondering what she was doing.

"Whatever she's doing," Shawn chuckled. "It will be with Riley."

"Very true," Katy smiled.

"What do you say we skip dessert in favour of one last dip in the ocean before the sun goes down?" Shawn asked.

"I mean, they have ice cream back home," Katy smiled at him.

"But no ocean view quite like this," Shawn finished her thought for her. He loved moments like this - when they were both on the exact same page - it was like anything was possible. Marriages took effort and attention, but in these moments Shawn knew that no matter the outcome, it was worth it.

As the sun set, Shawn could be found with his arms around his wife, kissing her waist high in the ocean's waves.

"Hey Katy," Shawn said seriously as he pulled out of their kiss. "There's something I've been meaning to- that I need to tell you." She looked up at him, her eyes honest in their concern.

"Maya once asked me to promise that we'd work out," Shawn spoke calmly. "But I could only promise her that I wanted us to. However, there is one thing I can promise. No matter what happens between us, no matter where our road leads, I promise it won't change how I feel about Maya. If this all falls apart, if we broke up tomorrow, next week or ten years from now, I will always be there for Maya."

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