P.8~ Shock therapy

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Blue's eye's blinked slowly, gaining more and more sight. After the first few blinks his eye's had fully snapped open. 'This isn't the white room.' He wondered looking around. He tried to move  his head to the side, but he felt something restraining him. He felt a strap around his skull as he looked frantically at his wrists and ankles. He panicked and his eye lights began to dilate as he saw himself strapped to a chair and the faint bit of wires. He realized from moving around the little he did that there was also a restraint on his neck. He looked up hearing a strangled huff. the fear in him increased as he saw papyrus in the same kind of chair straight across from him. 'WHY WAS IT ALWAYS PAPYRUS?!? F***!' blue screamed in his head as papyrus seemed to notice the situation and look to his older brother in fear. Papyrus looked at his feral looking brother wondering what else had happened during their time apart. He watched as his brother snarled at nightmare when he walked in. Nightmare stabbed blue for snarling at him and then started his evil monologue. They don't really know what he said as they ignored his boring speech. Blue knew ink and dream were tied up probably watching this through the camera. In the midst of his panicking he found a glimpse of it. All but nightmare broke from their thought at the sound of papyrus's screaming. Blue looked in alert to see his brother getting electrocuted. He started growling and snarling at nightmare for a sign to tell him to stop. When Nightmare hadn't blue began to lose more hope in his soul and for the first time his soul began to darken an lose it's shine. He sighed and kept his head down secretly content it was over for his brother. But it shifted as everything but agony washed over his senses. He knew Nightmare set it up on a higher setting than papyrus's and in a way he was glad. Not glad for the pain, but glad his brother was in as much pain as him. Blue screamed louder every time Nightmare had turned it up a level. He was in so much pain a stress under his eye sockets began to bleed and he foamed at the mouth. His hunger wasn't helping and this only made him hungrier. When nightmare stopped his slumped a little eye's wide, drooling, and just so hungry.




after all of the electrocuting nightmare shoved them all in a room together. A very.......SMALL room and after a few days as he watched blue try desperately not to eat his family. Though when he had thrown in a monster for blue to eat.....They watched in horror as blue dug through it's chest, digging for it's soul and proceeding to eat it like an animal tearing at fresh meat and then he ate the dust of it. after that he had snapped out of it and retreated to a corner cowering from his families shocked faces. Although he had grown bored after a while and forcefully grabbed blue with his tentacles despite blues struggling and his families pleading. He brought blue  to the shocking room with a few scratches on his tentacles......

And that's where we leave off........

Till next time

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